Expired GPG signing key for .deb packages

Hi All,
I went to update my mattermost instance and it looks like the gpg signing key is expired. I dont see a new one

gpg --search-key --keyserver keyserver[dot]ubuntu[dot]com dev-ops [AT] mattermost[dot]com
gpg: data source: http 162[dot]213[dot]33[dot]9:11371
(1) 2048 bit RSA key F8F2C31744774B28, created: 2017-03-27
Keys 1-1 of 1 for “dev-ops[AT] mattermost[dot]com”. Enter number(s), N)ext, or Q)uit > n

apt-key list

pub rsa2048 2017-03-27 [SC] [expired: 2022-04-03]
A1B3 1D46 F0F3 A10B 02CF 2D44 F8F2 C317 4477 4B28
uid [ expired] Mattermost Build <dev-ops[AT] mattermost[dot]com>

So when you run apt update
Err deb[dot]packages.mattermost[dot]com focal InRelease
The following signatures were invalid: EXPKEYSIG F8F2C31744774B28 Mattermost Build <dev-ops[AT] mattermost.com>
W: An error occurred during the signature verification. The repository is not updated …

Looks like the new key is on the key server. I downloaded the updated key
gpg --search-key --keyserver keyserver[dot]ubuntu[dot]com dev-ops[at]mattermost[dot]com

and did a apt-key add the new key and apt update doesnt complain / fail now