[Solved] Focalboards edit create not possible after postgres migration : insert_at not null constraint

I cannot alter / create Boards or Cards anymore after migration from MariaDb to Postgresql.
The Error is:

{"timestamp":"2025-01-06 17:15:45.603 +01:00","level":"error","msg":"API ERROR","caller":"app/plugin_api.go:1003","plugin_id":"focalboard","code":"500","error":"\"pq: NULL-Wert in Spalte »insert_at« verletzt Not-Null-Constraint\"","api":"/api/v2/boards/bqk9qywczw3n99bycqpxyuhrfqw/blocks"}

in the database the dates look good, in the focalboard_blocks and focalboard_boards tables.


id	                                    insert_at	
0062aa85-4b5d-4336-8825-97685ea6bf69	2021-09-16 19:55:11.730935 +00:00	

no NULL value anywhere.

any ideas?


Mattermost-Version: 9.11.6
Databaseschema-Version: 127
Build-Nummer: 12182130320
Database: postgres

Heya Daniel! The Mattermost docs on PostgreSQL migrations might provide further guidance.

I would also recommend reading up on this thread regarding the current support status of Boards, and various other plugins if you haven’t already: Upcoming product changes to Boards and various plugins

Hope this helps!

Hi there

It turned out the Data Type of the “insert_at” column was incorrect.

I spun Up a fresh mattermost and took the typings from there.


Yay! Thanks so much for following up with the solution, Daniel!