It did not work…therefore I did manually these commands in mysql-Database:
UPDATE db_migrations set name=‘add_createat_to_teamembers’ where version=92;
CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_posts_message_txt ON {{ posts USING gin(to_tsvector(‘english’, message));
CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_fileinfo_content_txt ON fileinfo USING gin(to_tsvector(‘english’, content));
SELECT pg_catalog.set_config(‘search_path’, ‘“$user”, public’, false);
ALTER USER mmuser SET SEARCH_PATH TO ‘public’; $$;
But I did not do the things:
CAST column Channels.Type to “channel_type” drop typemod,
column Teams.Type to “team_type” drop typemod,
column UploadSessions.Type to “upload_session_type” drop typemod,
column Drafts.Priority to text,
type int when (= precision 11) to integer drop typemod,
type bigint when (= precision 20) to bigint drop typemod,
type text to varchar drop typemod,
type tinyint when (<= precision 4) to boolean using tinyint-to-boolean,
type json to jsonb drop typemod
$$ ALTER SCHEMA public RENAME TO {{ .source_schema }}; $$,
$$ DROP INDEX IF EXISTS idx_posts_message_txt; $$,
$$ DROP INDEX IF EXISTS idx_fileinfo_content_txt; $$
Do you think this could cause problems? Currently mattermost is running
My Postgresql Table looks now like that:
→ Do you think I can remove all focalboard tables and all IR tables?
What is focalboard and IR?..We did not use plugjns in the past and we can sure delete all plugin information
mattermost=# \d
List of relations
Schema | Name | Type | Owner
public | audits | table | mmuser
public | bots | table | mmuser
public | channelmemberhistory | table | mmuser
public | channelmembers | table | mmuser
public | channels | table | mmuser
public | clusterdiscovery | table | mmuser
public | commands | table | mmuser
public | commandwebhooks | table | mmuser
public | compliances | table | mmuser
public | db_lock | table | mmuser
public | db_migrations | table | mmuser
public | desktoptokens | table | mmuser
public | drafts | table | mmuser
public | emoji | table | mmuser
public | fileinfo | table | mmuser
public | focalboard_blocks | table | mmuser
public | focalboard_blocks_history | table | mmuser
public | focalboard_board_members | table | mmuser
public | focalboard_boards | table | mmuser
public | focalboard_boards_history | table | mmuser
public | focalboard_file_info | table | mmuser
public | focalboard_notification_hints | table | mmuser
public | focalboard_schema_migrations | table | mmuser
public | focalboard_sessions | table | mmuser
public | focalboard_sharing | table | mmuser
public | focalboard_subscriptions | table | mmuser
public | focalboard_system_settings | table | mmuser
public | focalboard_teams | table | mmuser
public | focalboard_users | table | mmuser
public | groupchannels | table | mmuser
public | groupmembers | table | mmuser
public | groupteams | table | mmuser
public | incomingwebhooks | table | mmuser
public | ir_incident | table | mmuser
public | ir_playbook | table | mmuser
public | ir_playbookautofollow | table | mmuser
public | ir_playbookmember | table | mmuser
public | ir_run_participants | table | mmuser
public | ir_statusposts | table | mmuser
public | ir_system | table | mmuser
public | ir_timelineevent | table | mmuser
public | ir_userinfo | table | mmuser
public | ir_viewedchannel | table | mmuser
public | jobs | table | mmuser
public | licenses | table | mmuser
public | linkmetadata | table | mmuser
public | notifyadmin | table | mmuser
public | oauthaccessdata | table | mmuser
public | oauthapps | table | mmuser
public | oauthauthdata | table | mmuser
public | outgoingoauthconnections | table | mmuser
public | outgoingwebhooks | table | mmuser
public | persistentnotifications | table | mmuser
public | pluginkeyvaluestore | table | mmuser
public | postacknowledgements | table | mmuser
public | postreminders | table | mmuser
public | posts | table | mmuser
public | postspriority | table | mmuser
public | preferences | table | mmuser
public | productnoticeviewstate | table | mmuser
public | publicchannels | table | mmuser
public | reactions | table | mmuser
public | recentsearches | table | mmuser
public | remoteclusters | table | mmuser
public | retentionidsfordeletion | table | mmuser
public | retentionpolicies | table | mmuser
public | retentionpolicieschannels | table | mmuser
public | retentionpoliciesteams | table | mmuser
public | roles | table | mmuser
public | schemes | table | mmuser
public | sessions | table | mmuser
public | sharedchannelattachments | table | mmuser
public | sharedchannelremotes | table | mmuser
public | sharedchannels | table | mmuser
public | sharedchannelusers | table | mmuser
public | sidebarcategories | table | mmuser
public | sidebarchannels | table | mmuser
public | status | table | mmuser
public | systems | table | mmuser
public | teammembers | table | mmuser
public | teams | table | mmuser
public | termsofservice | table | mmuser
public | threadmemberships | table | mmuser
public | threads | table | mmuser
public | tokens | table | mmuser
public | trueupreviewhistory | table | mmuser
public | uploadsessions | table | mmuser
public | useraccesstokens | table | mmuser
public | usergroups | table | mmuser
public | users | table | mmuser
public | usertermsofservice | table | mmuser