Autologin with Cloud on tablet device (app)

We have an account that is to always be logged in on a company-managed iPad (device and account are shared among a few plant operators). As IT, I can log into this account manually (we’re not connecting it to our Okta SSO, because these accounts are only for Mattermost) before turning them over to the users. What I’m worried about is if a user unintentionally or intentionally logs out of the shared account, they won’t have the password to log back in. We need a way to trigger that to login for the users in a very easy way.

I’ve read other forum messages like this: [SOLVED] Login to Mattermost from browser by skipping the login form talking about autologin by setting cookies. It’s an interesting idea, but we are using the CLOUD service, not our own hosted servers, so setting cross-domain cookies is not allowed. If it were, we’d simply have a simple website shortcut going to our servers, where we’d set a cookie, then redirect to the Mattermost site URL. It would pick up the cookie, and let them in. Easy – if we could set cookies cross-domain.

Any ideas about modifying the procedure in the above linked conversation to work for CLOUD? I heard suggested that we could install certificates on the devices, although I’m not sure how that skips authentication.

Note: Please don’t try to solve the problem by suggesting that we don’t use a shared account. It’s already been discussed internally, and this is how we are proceeding.