BulkImport: User Position is too long

While running a bulk import job from Slack I get the following error after a while:

[error:Error during job execution. — BulkImport: User Position is too long. import_file:9n7qtz3mrtb5jj681ruuai96tw_mattermost-bulk-import.zip line_number:1259]

I observe the logs and can see that there are a bunch of users being imported and then the error appears.

This is on a self hosted version.

Steps to reproduce
Run the import stage as normal targeting the uploaded bulk zip file

Expected behavior
The import should complete.

Observed behavior
After a minute or so of the import happening.

The following error appears:

[error:Error during job execution. — BulkImport: User Position is too long. import_file:9n7qtz3mrtb5jj681ruuai96tw_mattermost-bulk-import.zip line_number:1259]

Found the issue :slight_smile:

I did a recon on the pensioncraft_import.jsonl

Found a user with a SUPER long position description.