Can't post message to a channel


Can’t post a message to a channel using Golang mattermost client

Steps to reproduce

Mattermost 5.9

Create a client

	httpClient := &http.Client{
		CheckRedirect: redirectPolicyFunc,

	client := model.NewAPIv4Client(config.serverURL)
	client.HttpClient = httpClient
	client.AuthToken = config.token
	client.AuthType = model.ACCESS_TOKEN_TYPE

	user, resp := client.GetMe("")


Try to create post

	post.UserId = user.Id
	post.ChannelId = config.infoChannelId
	post.Message = "Message Text"

	posted, resp := client.CreatePost(post)

Got an error
2019/05/05 19:26:06 : Sorry, we could not find the page., There doesn't appear to be an api call for the url='/api/v4/posts'. Typo? are you missing a team_id or user_id as part of the url?

Expected behavior

Expected to post message to channel

Observed behavior

Got an error instead of it

@maruTA-bis5 / @Hanzei Are you familiar with the above error?

Hey @winmasta,

Thanks for the report.

Does this return a valid reply?