Shared channels enable System Administrators to securely connect their Mattermost instance with external Mattermost instances for real-time collaboration. Shared channels, direct messages or group messages across instances behave like regular channels, offering message threading, emoji reactions, and file sharing synchronized in real-time.
While shared channels were previously only configurable using slash commands, Mattermost v10.2 delivers significant user interface improvements to the administrator configuration experience, including creating a secure connection, accepting a secure connection, and configuring shared channels with connected instances. Here’s a summary of the enhancements now available in beta:
Creating a secure connection
System Administrators can create or accept a connection from the Connected Organizations page in the System Console.
When creating a new secure connection to an external organization, you can choose how you wish to receive shared channels from that organization. By default, you will be notified to review and accept all channels shared to your server from the external organization, and then select the appropriate Team in which they will live on your Mattermost server. Alternatively, when “Automatically accept channel invites” is enabled, the external organization can share channels without requiring that you accept them. In this case, you must define a default Team in your server where the channels will be placed when shared from the external organization.
Channels you wish to share with the external organization can now be selected.
Once you’re finished with the configuration and selecting shared channels, an invitation code and password is generated. This code and password must be shared with the System Administrator of the external instance in order to accept the secure connection request. Until then, the connection will appear as Connection Pending in your Connected Organizations screen.
Accepting a secure connection
A System Administrator of the external organization can use the invite code and password you shared with them to accept the secure connection from the Connected Organizations page on their server. Once accepted, they can review and accept and channels you chose to share with them.
Configuring Shared Channels
Editing the configuration of any connected external organizations allows you to add or remove any shared channels between your instance and the external organization. Additionally, if you’ve chosen to manually review all incoming shared channel requests, you can review them here.
System Administrators will also be notified via a bot direct message of pending shared channels requests, with the option to accept them and set the destination team without needing to open the System Console.
End User Experience
Shared channels and users from external organizations display in the user interface with special icons to differentiate them from regular channels and users. Tooltips identify the name of the connected organization which they are from.
We’d love your feedback
That’s a quick look at the work in progress as we progress towards general availability of federation capabilities. If you’re interested in a more in-depth look at the current thinking, here’s a UX specification. What do you think?