I have set up Gitlab Mattermost (with just Mattermost service enabled) on one machine and a regular Gitlab on another machine. Both hjave HTTPS enabled and are configured to use letsencrypt certificates. They seem to be working mostly fine, except when on Mattermost I try to use Gitlab’s SSO. The moment when I click the button to request the Authorization I get an empty response from Gitlab Mattermost, and its log file shows this:
[2017/07/19 07:30:51 UTC] [EROR] /signup/gitlab/complete:AuthorizeOAuthUser code=500 rid=w6tquosdftbfmf69k15ntkjgwo uid= ip= Token request failed [details: Post https://[REDACTED]/oauth/token: read tcp>[REDACTED]:443: read: connection reset by peer]
Anyone has any idea what is the cause of this issue?