Hi @ndarilek,
As far as I can tell, so long the changes you need to do, to the HTML properties don’t change visually how mattermost looks, it will count as minor fixes, thus you can submit a PR directly (following the template), of course it should also be contained within certain amount of lines changed.
You can read that at Redirect
It is fine to submit a PR for a bug or an incremental improvement with less than 20 lines of code change without a Help Wanted issue if the change to existing behavior is small. Some examples include
And below that quote you see links to references of what small can be defined as.
As for the documentation missing or out dated there is this awesome guy around here named @JeffSchering who is always hunting those things down, improving, updating, taking people’s suggestion, if u talk to him I am sure he will point you in the right direction or resolve the documentation issue.
Additionally, mattermost team is very aware of color blind users and I’ve seen suggestions getting modified to allocate visually for those people, of course they may have other priority at hand but they are in no way closed mind to what you are proposing.
I do think that if you can provide more feedback to the team of things needed to make it easier for color blind users to use it, they would review and most likely try to implement it.
But if you can contribute your self like you have said, that would be even better and I am sure they/we would welcome your assistance with open arms.
EDIT: I forgot to mention, there is some shortcut being worked out for keyboard but I am unsure yet how it will turn out, but there was a thread discussing about it around here I will link it here when I find it again or maybe @jasonblais could talk a little bit about it, I know he was directly involved on the discussion about the keyboard shortcut etc.
Here was the link to the shortcut thread Using CTRL/CMD+UP to reply to a message don’t let it intimidate you it started as a simple “reply to messages” and as it delved there was suggestion for accessibility of other contexts and things within perhaps you could add your input there or take a look and see if anything there helps you out towards it.