I Can’t use Boards and lost DMs when upgrade v6.6.0 to v7.7.0
Here is my environment.
OS:Linux Ubuntu 20.04
DB: mysql Ver15.1 Distrib 10.3.37-MariaDB,for debian-linux-gnu(x86_64) using readline 5.2
Mattermost Version:6.6.0
Steps to reproduce
First off,I upgrade Mattermost v6.6.0 to v7.7.0 like this.
1:shut down every apps and backup my mattermost data
sudo systemctl stop nginx mysqld mattermost
cp -r /opt/mattermost /backupmattermost
2:Get v7.7.0
3:Copy v7.7.0 folder to my mattermost folder
cp -r /tmp/mattermost /opt
4:Put in the backup data to upgraded folder
cp -r /backupmattermost/mattermost/data /opt/mattermost
cp -r /backupmattermost/mattermost/config /opt/mattermost
cp -r /backupmattermost/mattermost/logs /opt/mattermost
5:Authorize mattermost
sudo chown -R mattermost:mattermost /opt/mattermost
sudo chmod -R g+w /opt/mattermost
6:Start apps
sudo systemctl start nginx
sudo systemctl start mysqld
sudo systemctl start mattermost
Expected behavior
I was able to launch Mattermost without any problems.
Board functionality was lost and when I checked the plugin admin screen, I found that
When I checked the plugin admin screen, I got an error message saying that the plugin could not access the database.
I thought that perhaps my use of MariaDB was the cause of this problem. I had heard in a thread that MariaDB is not officially supported.
So this issue is not that important.
I don’t know what is causing the direct messages to disappear.
After upgrading to v7.7.0, the conversations on each channel are still there, but the
Only the direct messages have all disappeared.
Luckily, I restored the backup and went back to v6.6.0, but
Where did I go wrong?
Observed behavior
I know that error messages are essential to solving this problem,
but I forgot to note the contents of the log this time.
And since I am running Mattermost in my office,
I can only verify the logs at certain times of the day,
so please give me a little more time to submit the logs.
And is there any cause that can be predicted from my testimony at this time?
Thank you.