Build out - Local build with no Internet access. Centos 7 and mysql
User account : MMuser
My SQL Server is running. I verified by running “mysqladmin -u root -p status”, and I was able to get the uptime data.
Reviewing the mattermost.log file there is an entry after attempting to ping the SQL database. " Failed to ping DB", “error 1045”: Access denied for user ‘mmuser’@'hostIPaddress" (Using password:yes)
I was able to check if database exist by login and enter mysql password, and running “Show databases” and the results are below
@lparker - It looks like your data source line needs to be changed. You shared that your password line is structured like mmuser-acctpassword which is actually telling Mattermost that the password for mysql is mmuser-acctpassword.
I corrected the datasource, and ran “sudo -u mattermost ./bin/mattermost”. Received error below:
Failed to ping DB error 1044: Access denied for user mmuser’@’%’ to database ‘mattermost’
I ran " mysql -u mmuser -p", and was able to enter password and login. I then ran "use DATABASE mattermost; and received error 1044 access denied for user ‘mmuser’ to database 'DATABASE
Mattermost is installed but not accessible via browser
I followed all the instructions, and it’s up and running, and I can curl successfully.
However, when I go to the URL of my server http://myserverIP:8065 - nothing loads and I get a “The site can’t be reached” in Firefox or Edge. I cannot access mattermost from the web browser.
This sounds like a possible networking problem to access the server. You’ll want to confirm that your device can access the device where Mattermost is installed.
That sounds like the issue is that Mattermost is listening for the URL to be viewed by the Mattermost server, instead of, say, localhost for a local instance, which you would be accessing from itself if that makes sense?
Makes since, I change the URL to the IP of the server in the config.json file, and attempted to access mattermost server via browser with no success. Also, apache is not installed on the mattermost server as of yet.