Mattermost Jira Integration plugin - oauth1 problem


I have problem with Mattermost Jira integration. After install and configure Jira plugin I use ‘/jira install server jira.sever.url’ to install server and link my account to Jira.
After I do steps displayed in Mattermost (on Jira side) I stuck on step 8 (Use the “/jira connect” command to connect your Mattermost account with your Jira account.)
After I write ‘/jira connect’ command I’m redirected to URL https://my-mattermost-url/plugins/jira/user/connect with HTTP Code 500 (white page with message: failed to get a connect link: oauth1: Server returned status 503).

{“level”:“error”,“ts”:1593406743.71567,“caller”:“mlog/sugar.go:23”,“msg”:“ERROR: “,“plugin_id”:“jira”,“Status”:“500”,“Error”:“failed to get a connect link: oauth1: Server returned status 503”,“Host”:“my-mattermost-url”,“RequestURI”:”/plugins/jira/user/connect”,“Method”:“GET”,“query”:“”}

More data:
Self hosted Mattermost: 5.24.1
Self hosted Jira: v8.7.1
Trusted SSL certificates on Jira & Mattermost side
OAuth 2.0 enbled in Mattermost configuration

I’m also tryed to make integration on Jira plugin v2.3.1 on Mattermost 5.19.1 - with the same result.
I’m using manual from GitHub - mattermost/mattermost-plugin-jira: JIRA plugin for Mattermost 🔌 but I think it is litle outdated (e.g there is no ‘user’ field in Jira plugin configuration)


Thanks for the advice.

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Any solutions here? I need to resolve this problem.