Mysql scheme change from 6.3.1 to 7.1

I’m upgrading my instance of mattermost from 6.3.1 to 7.1. I understand that there are schema changes along the way. do all these changes need to be done before the mattermost server can be upgraded to the 7.1 version?

Hi Riley and welcome to the Mattermost forums!

The application will take care of the required database schema upgrades while starting the first time, so there’s nothing you need to prepare.
For some upgrades, it’s possible to manually apply schema migrations before running the upgrade itself in order to shorten the downtime while doing the offline upgrades during application startup, but if you can live with a few more seconds/minutes of downtime during the upgrade, there’s nothing you need to prepare.

Please make sure to read the important upgrade notes from your current release upwards to the release you want to update to to see if there’s anything important you need to take care of depending on your settings.

Besides that, the normal upgrade workflow applies (in case you’re using the binary installation).