Post upload (with file) display problems

I am trying to create a little command-line script, using the API, to create a post that includes some text and an image.

This is almost entirely successful. I can upload a file; get a file_id for it, and include that file ID in a call to /posts endpoint. That call also includes the channel_id and the text I’d like to post.

I get a 201 response. I’d both anticipate and desire for the image to be displayed as if I’d clicked on the paper clip icon and uploaded it.

However, when I go the Web or desktop client, I see the text and a tiny icon indicating a broken file link. Clicking on the icon shows the name of the file that I uploaded.

The body of my request includes

@body = {
“channel_id”: channel_id,
“message”: “This is my fabulous post”,
“file_ids”: [file_id]

Here’s the

{“id”:“q8stj7mju3fwppns18ifmtde8e”,“create_at”:1727694235070,“update_at”:1727694235070,“edit_at”:0,“delete_at”:0,“is_pinned”:false,“user_id”:“dm48rz7okfbwpjfmenp1k4jm8w”,“channel_id”:“6xfkehrzgbbhxfwt9owqtfnmuo”,“root_id”:“”,“original_id”:“”,“message”:“This is my fabulous post”,“type”:“”,“props”:{},“hashtags”:“”,“file_ids”:[“wftm83adbjb9ppp4zryernktuc”],“pending_post_id”:“”,“reply_count”:0,“last_reply_at”:0,“participants”:null,“metadata”:{“files”:[{“id”:“wftm83adbjb9ppp4zryernktuc”,“user_id”:“dm48rz7okfbwpjfmenp1k4jm8w”,“post_id”:“q8stj7mju3fwppns18ifmtde8e”,“channel_id”:“6xfkehrzgbbhxfwt9owqtfnmuo”,“create_at”:1727694233304,“update_at”:1727694233304,“delete_at”:0,“name”:“airbnb.jpg”,“extension”:“jpg”,“size”:0,“mime_type”:“image/jpeg”,“mini_preview”:null,“remote_id”:“”,“archived”:false}]}}

I must say, regretfully, that the API documentation for /files, /uploads, and /posts is pretty weak; bereft of good examples, and not at all clear on which tasks to be performed, and in which order.

No interest at all, eh? OK.

maybe you should also add the logs of the other calls as well. Have you checked that your file upload is succesfull? what result did your file upload give? Did you you use the same team for the file upload and the message?

my MattermostR package can upload the files, if you set the option verbose=TRUE you can check what headers the REST server gets and receive. Maybe you can check your headers with those…

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