Prometheus exporter plugin?

I am using free edition, and looking for monitoring usage, such as posts count, last connection, last message etc…

With Prometheus or Grafana Alloy.

Is it a plugin to do that?

Only for the Enterprise tier…

thanks you John, that’s why I am looking for a plugin ^^

I am going to write a small exporter, that use the API, but i am wondering if something exist already.

You might see if CERN has a public repo. They might have something.

There is a plugin GitHub - mattermost/mattermost-plugin-metrics: Openmetrics scraper for Mattermost server. But the metrics endpoint isn’t exposed unless you have an enterprise license. So it’s not possible to use the plugin without a license.

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I have done mine!

My 1st plugin, woa guys your plugin project template is so nice to use ^^ good job. I am not a golang expert, but in 2 days I have written this:

And it works fine!