Self Hosted - Bad Certificate TLS


I have setup mattermost on a private server. I can launch MatterMost and configure it from the UI on the server, however I can’t access it the site URL from a remote machine. I have created my own TLS certificates as per this tutorial.

In the logs of MatterMost I see the following:

{"level":"info","ts":1688518064.3059509,"caller":"http/h2_bundle.go:4352","msg":"http2: server: error reading preface from client remote error: tls: bad certificate","source":"httpserver"}
{"level":"info","ts":1688518110.2641847,"caller":"http/server.go:1743","msg":"http: TLS handshake error from EOF","source":"httpserver"}
{"level":"info","ts":1688518110.278933,"caller":"http/h2_bundle.go:4352","msg":"http2: server: error reading preface from client remote error: tls: bad certificate","source":"httpserver"}

It isn’t clear why the certificate is bad. Is it that the certificate is not from a CA ? How can I learn more about this issue ?

Any help will be appreciated