I have a little problem with updates of messages.
The Server ist installed on Ubuntu 22.04.03 via Omnibus and is working on 9.3.0.
Yesterday I updated the Server and in the morning but I noticed that Mattermost doesnt work properly anymore.
I wrote to a colleague at work this morning, who replied quickly, but I noticed that the message was delivered directly to my smartphone and I also received a push notification. In the browser and client, I could only see the new message after I refreshed the page or switched the chat to someone else and back again. It works in principle, but I don’t receive the messages directly.
On the smartphone, the browser and in the client it shows me the following text: “Please check connection, Mattermost unreachable. If issue persists, ask administrator to check WebSocket port.”
If anyone has any idea how to fix this quickly, I would be very grateful. Which logs are required?
The log shows:
“caller”: “web/context.go:111”,
“err_where”: “connect”,
“error”: “connect: Failed to upgrade websocket connection., websocket: request origin not allowed by Upgrader.CheckOrigin”,
“http_code”: 400,
“ip_addr”: “”,
“level”: “debug”,
“method”: “GET”,
“msg”: “Failed to upgrade websocket connection.”,
“path”: “/api/v4/websocket”,
“request_id”: “9gxirrsoijbh7qa77zqonx4sty”,
“timestamp”: “2024-01-09 01:50:26.767 Z”,
“user_id”: “kg4w3fbajpd1pxxzcaks98tz8w”