From the mobile application, I had a non-stop message : “connecting…” at the top of the screen.
If I set service_allow_cors_from=’*’ then the application connect successfully.
I suppose ‘*’ is a not a good solution, but I can not find what to enter here.
I tried with , ,…
Only '’ allow me to connect from the mobile app.
Can you help me to define the “right” value for this parameter ?
I am using Mattermost (the version embedded with GitLab 9.4.1).
My server is located on a virtual machine placed behind a reverse proxy, so every request to Mattermost should pass through the reverse proxy, either it comes from a webbrowser, or a desktop app or a mobile app, isn’t it ?
I read the documentation and I am asking myself if the ‘*’ is a secured configuration ?
Is there a way to know which domain is used by the user when I see this message in logs : [2017/07/25 15:34:28 CEST] [EROR] Erreur de la connexion websocket : websocket: origin not allowed
I prefer to share the URL via private message if you agree
As I use GitLab, I defined the following parameter mattermost_external_url ''
If I toggle Developer Tools in the desktop app I can see
"[Mattermost] websocket connecting to wss://"
I don’t know how to see my browser console on my smartphone
Looks like your second issue is unrelated, I’ll send you a private message so we can move on with the cors issue and once we do we should post back the solution for it.
Unfortunately I closed the issue to early. The problem came back a few hour ago and I don’t know why O_o
I still don’t understand why I have this issue only with the mobile app.
When I use the application through Desktop App or web browser I don’t have any error, but if I try to reach I have this message :
Bad Request
{“id”:“api.web_socket.connect.upgrade.app_error”,“message”:“Échec de la mise-à-jour de la connexion websocket”,“detailed_error”:"",“request_id”:“5kakt3rkwfryjet8e1kmjxqg9o”,“status_code”:500}