Unable to save the team member


I cannot invite/add a user to a team.

Steps to reproduce

The user already exists on the Mattermost instance and already is in a team. I tried adding them to a second team using the invite feature, but the link didn’t seem to work. So I went and tried with the command line:

$ mattermost team add team-name user@example.org
Unable to add 'user@example.org' to team-name

So I tried using the api:

curl -X POST -i -H 'Authorization: Bearer myadmintoken' -d '{"team_id":"***redacted***","user_id":"***redacted***"}' http://localhost:19065/api/v4/teams/***redacted***/members

which gives me:

{"id":"store.sql_team.save_member.save.app_error","message":"Unable to save the team member.","detailed_error":"","request_id":"fitsy5npn3gemempy93txeojrw","status_code":500}
$ mattermost version
Version: 5.22.0
Build Number: nixpkgs-5.22.0
Build Date: 
Build Hash: 
Build Enterprise Ready: 
DB Version: 5.22.0

Postgresql version: 11.7

Thanks in advance for you help

Hi there, @risson

Can you share the log entry on mattermost.log when you ran the API & command line?

tail -f /opt/mattermost/log/mattermost.log

I just want to understand if this could be related to the maximum number of users per team that we can confirm by running the following:

ahmaddanial@mattermost:/opt/mattermost$ cat /opt/mattermost/config/config.json | grep "MaxUsersPerTeam"
        "MaxUsersPerTeam": 50,

Keep me posted. Thanks!


First, thanks for take the time to answer me :smiley:

Here’s what happens in the logs when I try to add the user using the command line:

{"level":"info","ts":1587660811.8833458,"caller":"utils/i18n.go:83","msg":"Loaded system translations","for locale":"en","from locale":"/srv/mattermost/i18n/en.json"}
{"level":"info","ts":1587660811.8959937,"caller":"app/server_app_adapters.go:58","msg":"Server is initializing..."}
{"level":"debug","ts":1587660811.8960571,"caller":"utils/html.go:30","msg":"Parsing server templates","templates_directory":"/srv/mattermost/templates"}
{"level":"info","ts":1587660811.8976185,"caller":"sqlstore/supplier.go:224","msg":"Pinging SQL","database":"master"}
{"level":"debug","ts":1587660811.954607,"caller":"sqlstore/preference_store.go:41","msg":"Deleting any unused pre-release features"}
{"level":"debug","ts":1587660812.22013,"caller":"filesstore/s3store.go:82","msg":"Connection to S3 or minio is good. Bucket exists."}
{"level":"info","ts":1587660812.2241628,"caller":"mlog/log.go:167","msg":"Starting up plugins"}
{"level":"info","ts":1587660812.224219,"caller":"app/plugin.go:202","msg":"Syncing plugins from the file store"}
{"level":"debug","ts":1587660812.2402098,"caller":"plugin/environment.go:506","msg":"Enabling plugin health check job","interval_s":30}
{"level":"info","ts":1587660812.2402604,"caller":"app/server.go:252","msg":"Current version is 5.22.0 (nixpkgs-5.22.0///)","current_version":"5.22.0","build_number":"nixpkgs-5.22.0","build_date":"","build_hash":"","build_hash_enterprise":""}
{"level":"info","ts":1587660812.240295,"caller":"app/server.go:263","msg":"Team Edition Build","enterprise_build":false}
{"level":"info","ts":1587660812.2403145,"caller":"app/server.go:267","msg":"Printing current working","directory":"/srv/mattermost"}
{"level":"info","ts":1587660812.2403274,"caller":"app/server.go:268","msg":"Loaded config","source":"postgres://mattermost:@localhost:5432/mattermost?sslmode=disable&connect_timeout=10"}
{"level":"debug","ts":1587660812.2403467,"caller":"plugin/health_check.go:31","msg":"Plugin health check job starting."}
{"level":"info","ts":1587660812.3798344,"caller":"sqlstore/post_store.go:1518","msg":"Post.Message has size restrictions","max_characters":4000,"max_bytes":0}
{"level":"debug","ts":1587660812.4565775,"caller":"jobs/schedulers.go:30","msg":"Initialising schedulers."}
Unable to add 'user@example.org to team-name
{"level":"info","ts":1587660812.463866,"caller":"app/server.go:399","msg":"Stopping Server..."}
{"level":"info","ts":1587660812.4639013,"caller":"app/web_hub.go:130","msg":"stopping websocket hub connections"}
{"level":"warn","ts":1587660812.4639175,"caller":"app/web_hub.go:135","msg":"We appear to have already sent the stop checking for deadlocks command"}
{"level":"info","ts":1587660812.4641974,"caller":"app/plugin.go:279","msg":"Shutting down plugins"}
{"level":"info","ts":1587660812.464493,"caller":"app/server.go:450","msg":"Server stopped"}

And with the API:

Apr 23 18:56:07 duck hmdhx8x473fi3fvivb84dps7nfsz7bs4-unit-script-mattermost-start[10708]: {"level":"debug","ts":1587660967.5912883,"caller":"web/handlers.go:85","msg":"Received HTTP request","method":"POST","url":"/api/v4/users/status/ids","request_id":"j1qqifgyp7ni5x7qpjtf3texzr"}
Apr 23 18:56:10 duck hmdhx8x473fi3fvivb84dps7nfsz7bs4-unit-script-mattermost-start[10708]: {"level":"debug","ts":1587660970.6370542,"caller":"web/handlers.go:85","msg":"Received HTTP request","method":"POST","url":"/api/v4/teams/***team_id***/members","request_id":"3hzg4hz94iyxfn151z77p1y4ge"}
Apr 23 18:56:10 duck hmdhx8x473fi3fvivb84dps7nfsz7bs4-unit-script-mattermost-start[10708]: {"level":"error","ts":1587660970.642299,"caller":"mlog/log.go:175","msg":"Unable to save the team member.","path":"/api/v4/teams/**team_id***/members","request_id":"3hzg4hz94iyxfn151z77p1y4ge","ip_addr":"::1","user_id":"***user_id***","method":"POST","err_where":"SqlTeamStore.SaveMember","http_code":500,"err_details":"team_id=***team_id***, user_id=***user_id***, pq: invalid input syntax for integer: \"true\""}

MaxUsersPerTeam is 50, and we currently are 3 in the team.

Thanks again!

@risson, this appears to be the crux of the problem. Let me investigate further.

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@risson, I can’t reproduce this locally, but I’m wondering if there’s a schema mismatch at play.

Can you share the schema you have for TeamMembers in your Postgres database?

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Here it is:

mattermost=# \d teammembers 
                      Table "public.teammembers"
   Column    |         Type          | Collation | Nullable | Default 
 teamid      | character varying(26) |           | not null | 
 userid      | character varying(26) |           | not null | 
 roles       | character varying(64) |           |          | 
 deleteat    | numeric               |           |          | 
 schemeguest | smallint              |           |          | 
 schemeuser  | smallint              |           |          | 
 schemeadmin | smallint              |           |          | 
    "idx_20793_primary" PRIMARY KEY, btree (teamid, userid)
    "idx_20793_idx_teammembers_delete_at" btree (deleteat)
    "idx_20793_idx_teammembers_team_id" btree (teamid)
    "idx_20793_idx_teammembers_user_id" btree (userid)
    "idx_teammembers_delete_at" btree (deleteat)
    "idx_teammembers_team_id" btree (teamid)
    "idx_teammembers_user_id" btree (userid)

Any news on this? @jesse @ahmaddanial

The schema for the scheme* columns is unexpected from my perspective: these should be booleans, not smallints. I note we attempted to converge on a uniform schema definition as part of https://mattermost.atlassian.net/browse/MM-16888, but something was missed. It’s likely the canonical definition of these columns doesn’t match the “upgraded” version, but is being missed by the current schema tests.

@amy.blais, could you promote this issue to Jira ticket? It likely needs to be investigated by our server team.

@risson, you can fix this manually by altering the schema appropriately. Please note that we do not usually recommend manually modifying the schema, and ask that you make a backup before effecting any changes should issues arise.


If you have a large number of team members, I would recommend doing this during non-peak hours.

@risson, one other question: do you have issues adding team members via the webapp vs. just the CLI? This would be unexpected as well, so it would be good to note.

@jesse I’m getting the error using the CLI, the API and the webapp, even after the schema change

Here are the logs from the webapp (after the schema change):

Apr 27 19:25:59 duck hmdhx8x473fi3fvivb84dps7nfsz7bs4-unit-script-mattermost-start[7968]: {"level":"error","ts":1588008359.5073829,"caller":"mlog/log.go:175","msg":"Unable to get the channel member count.","path":"/api/v4/channels/khex1dtzxid1drfktze3r9gqeh/stats","request_id":"np8ktq38widybygqztykcjhc1o","ip_addr":"","user_id":"bp93hwzseidwumkx9skj48qbgc","method":"GET","err_where":"SqlChannelStore.GetGuestCount","http_code":500,"err_details":"channel_id=khex1dtzxid1drfktze3r9gqeh, pq: operator does not exist: smallint = boolean"}

From the CLI, I’m still getting the same error.

Here is what I’m getting when making a call to the API, which is different from before:

Apr 27 19:29:12 duck hmdhx8x473fi3fvivb84dps7nfsz7bs4-unit-script-mattermost-start[7968]: {"level":"error","ts":1588008552.0222657,"caller":"mlog/log.go:175","msg":"Unable to save the team member.","path":"/api/v4/teams/pctwzbq83trxzfzym1jibrt4pw/members","request_id":"cdxfrmjgs3r8bk7icsgb1q597y","ip_addr":"::1","user_id":"bp93hwzseidwumkx9skj48qbgc","method":"POST","err_where":"SqlTeamStore.SaveMember","http_code":500,"err_details":"team_id=pctwzbq83trxzfzym1jibrt4pw, user_id=d639bk9tk3dfxq81fcbmdundha, pq: invalid input syntax for integer: \"true\""}

Hold on my bad, it seems the schema wasn’t changed.

mattermost=# \d teammembers
                      Table "public.teammembers"
   Column    |         Type          | Collation | Nullable | Default 
 teamid      | character varying(26) |           | not null | 
 userid      | character varying(26) |           | not null | 
 roles       | character varying(64) |           |          | 
 deleteat    | numeric               |           |          | 
 schemeguest | smallint              |           |          | 
 schemeuser  | smallint              |           |          | 
 schemeadmin | smallint              |           |          | 
    "idx_20793_primary" PRIMARY KEY, btree (teamid, userid)
    "idx_20793_idx_teammembers_delete_at" btree (deleteat)
    "idx_20793_idx_teammembers_team_id" btree (teamid)
    "idx_20793_idx_teammembers_user_id" btree (userid)
    "idx_teammembers_delete_at" btree (deleteat)
    "idx_teammembers_team_id" btree (teamid)
    "idx_teammembers_user_id" btree (userid)
ALTER TABLE teammembers ALTER schemeuser TYPE bool USING CASE WHEN schemeuser=0 THEN FALSE ELSE TRUE END;
ALTER TABLE teammembers ALTER schemeguest TYPE bool USING CASE WHEN schemeguest=0 THEN FALSE ELSE TRUE END;
ALTER TABLE teammembers ALTER schemeadmin TYPE bool USING CASE WHEN schemeadmin=0 THEN FALSE ELSE TRUE END;

Using this ^

Okay, after a proper conversion to booleans, I was able to add the user using the API, the CLI and the webapp. Thanks for your help!

Just a wonder, is it normal that the number of people in a channel is not displayed properly here:

I’m guessing my schema is wrong here as well:

mattermost=# \d channelmembers;
                     Table "public.channelmembers"
    Column    |         Type          | Collation | Nullable | Default 
 channelid    | character varying(26) |           | not null | 
 userid       | character varying(26) |           | not null | 
 roles        | character varying(64) |           |          | 
 lastviewedat | numeric               |           |          | 
 msgcount     | numeric               |           |          | 
 mentioncount | numeric               |           |          | 
 notifyprops  | text                  |           |          | 
 lastupdateat | numeric               |           |          | 
 schemeguest  | smallint              |           |          | 
 schemeuser   | smallint              |           |          | 
 schemeadmin  | smallint              |           |          | 
    "idx_20617_primary" PRIMARY KEY, btree (channelid, userid)
    "idx_20617_idx_channelmembers_channel_id" btree (channelid)
    "idx_20617_idx_channelmembers_user_id" btree (userid)
    "idx_channelmembers_channel_id" btree (channelid)
    "idx_channelmembers_user_id" btree (userid)

Opened a ticket here: https://mattermost.atlassian.net/browse/MM-24573

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