Warnings during migration from MySQL 8 to Postgres Database

I followed steps described in Automated PostgresQL migration

At pgloader step 4, no errors but warning messages.
=> can I safely ignore them or not ?

Thanks a lot.

mysql 8.0.36
postgres 16.4

pgloader script

    FROM       mysql://migration:snip@meet.acme.com:3306/mattermost
    INTO       pgsql://mmuser:snip@meet.acme.com:5432/mattermost

WITH data only,
    workers = 8, concurrency = 1,
    multiple readers per thread, rows per range = 10000,
    prefetch rows = 10000, batch rows = 2500,
    create no tables, create no indexes,
    preserve index names

    maintenance_work_mem to '128MB',
    work_mem to '12MB'

    net_read_timeout  = '120',
    net_write_timeout = '120'

 CAST column Channels.Type to "channel_type" drop typemod,
    column Teams.Type to "team_type" drop typemod,
    column UploadSessions.Type to "upload_session_type" drop typemod,
    column ChannelBookmarks.Type to "channel_bookmark_type" drop typemod,
    column Drafts.Priority to text,
    type int when (= precision 11) to integer drop typemod,
    type bigint when (= precision 20) to bigint drop typemod,
    type text to varchar drop typemod using remove-null-characters,
    type tinyint when (<= precision 4) to boolean using tinyint-to-boolean,
    type json to jsonb drop typemod using remove-null-characters

EXCLUDING TABLE NAMES MATCHING ~<IR_>, ~<focalboard>, 'schema_migrations', 'db_migrations', 'db_lock',
    'configurations', 'configurationfiles', 'db_config_migrations'

    $$ ALTER SCHEMA public RENAME TO mattermost; $$,
    $$ TRUNCATE TABLE mattermost.systems; $$,
    $$ DROP INDEX IF EXISTS mattermost.idx_posts_message_txt; $$,
    $$ DROP INDEX IF EXISTS mattermost.idx_fileinfo_content_txt; $$

    $$ UPDATE mattermost.db_migrations set name='add_createat_to_teamembers' where version=92; $$,
    $$ ALTER SCHEMA mattermost RENAME TO public; $$,
    $$ SELECT pg_catalog.set_config('search_path', '"$user", "$user", public', false); $$,
    $$ ALTER USER mmuser SET SEARCH_PATH TO '"$user", public'; $$;

Observed behavior

user@node:~/mattermost$ sudo docker run --net=host -it --rm -v /home/user/mattermost:/home/migration mattermost/mattermost-pgloader:latest pgloader /home/migration/migration.load
2024-09-03T04:32:01.004000Z LOG pgloader version "3.6.3e06d1b"
2024-09-03T04:32:01.008000Z LOG Parsing commands from file #P"/home/migration/migration.load"
2024-09-03T04:32:01.819995Z LOG Migrating from #<MYSQL-CONNECTION mysql://migration@meet.acme.com:3306/mattermost {1006BD8423}>
2024-09-03T04:32:01.819995Z LOG Migrating into #<PGSQL-CONNECTION pgsql://mmuser@meet.acme.com:5432/mattermost {1006BD8743}>
2024-09-03T04:32:05.127973Z WARNING Source column "mattermost"."ChannelMembers"."schemeuser" is casted to type "smallint" which is not the same as "boolean", the type of current target database column "mattermost"."channelmembers"."schemeuser".
2024-09-03T04:32:05.127973Z WARNING Source column "mattermost"."ChannelMembers"."schemeadmin" is casted to type "smallint" which is not the same as "boolean", the type of current target database column "mattermost"."channelmembers"."schemeadmin".
2024-09-03T04:32:05.127973Z WARNING Source column "mattermost"."ChannelMembers"."schemeguest" is casted to type "smallint" which is not the same as "boolean", the type of current target database column "mattermost"."channelmembers"."schemeguest".
2024-09-03T04:32:05.127973Z WARNING Source column "mattermost"."Channels"."type" is casted to type "channel_type" which is not the same as "mattermost.channel_type", the type of current target database column "mattermost"."channels"."type".
2024-09-03T04:32:05.127973Z WARNING Source column "mattermost"."OutgoingOAuthConnections"."oauthtokenurl" is casted to type "varchar" which is not the same as "text", the type of current target database column "mattermost"."outgoingoauthconnections"."oauthtokenurl".
2024-09-03T04:32:05.127973Z WARNING Source column "mattermost"."OutgoingOAuthConnections"."granttype" is casted to type "varchar" which is not the same as "mattermost.outgoingoauthconnections_granttype", the type of current target database column "mattermost"."outgoingoauthconnections"."granttype".
2024-09-03T04:32:05.127973Z WARNING Source column "mattermost"."Preferences"."value" is casted to type "varchar" which is not the same as "text", the type of current target database column "mattermost"."preferences"."value".
2024-09-03T04:32:05.127973Z WARNING Source column "mattermost"."RemoteClusters"."siteurl" is casted to type "text" which is not the same as "character varying", the type of current target database column "mattermost"."remoteclusters"."siteurl".
2024-09-03T04:32:05.127973Z WARNING Source column "mattermost"."RemoteClusters"."topics" is casted to type "text" which is not the same as "character varying", the type of current target database column "mattermost"."remoteclusters"."topics".
2024-09-03T04:32:05.127973Z WARNING Source column "mattermost"."RetentionIdsForDeletion"."ids" is casted to type "jsonb" which is not the same as "character varying[]", the type of current target database column "mattermost"."retentionidsfordeletion"."ids".
2024-09-03T04:32:05.127973Z WARNING Source column "mattermost"."TeamMembers"."schemeuser" is casted to type "smallint" which is not the same as "boolean", the type of current target database column "mattermost"."teammembers"."schemeuser".
2024-09-03T04:32:05.127973Z WARNING Source column "mattermost"."TeamMembers"."schemeadmin" is casted to type "smallint" which is not the same as "boolean", the type of current target database column "mattermost"."teammembers"."schemeadmin".
2024-09-03T04:32:05.127973Z WARNING Source column "mattermost"."TeamMembers"."schemeguest" is casted to type "smallint" which is not the same as "boolean", the type of current target database column "mattermost"."teammembers"."schemeguest".
2024-09-03T04:32:05.127973Z WARNING Source column "mattermost"."Teams"."type" is casted to type "team_type" which is not the same as "mattermost.team_type", the type of current target database column "mattermost"."teams"."type".
2024-09-03T04:32:05.127973Z WARNING Source column "mattermost"."UploadSessions"."type" is casted to type "upload_session_type" which is not the same as "mattermost.upload_session_type", the type of current target database column "mattermost"."uploadsessions"."type".
2024-09-03T04:32:05.127973Z WARNING Source column "mattermost"."UploadSessions"."filename" is casted to type "text" which is not the same as "character varying", the type of current target database column "mattermost"."uploadsessions"."filename".
2024-09-03T04:32:05.127973Z WARNING Source column "mattermost"."UploadSessions"."path" is casted to type "text" which is not the same as "character varying", the type of current target database column "mattermost"."uploadsessions"."path".
2024-09-03T04:32:05.191973Z WARNING PostgreSQL warning: constraint "fk_retentionpolicieschannels_retentionpolicies" of relation "retentionpolicieschannels" does not exist, skipping
2024-09-03T04:32:05.215973Z WARNING PostgreSQL warning: constraint "fk_retentionpoliciesteams_retentionpolicies" of relation "retentionpoliciesteams" does not exist, skipping
2024-09-03T04:32:12.383927Z LOG report summary reset
                          table name     errors       rows      bytes      total time
------------------------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  --------------
                         before load          0          4                     0.564s
                     fetch meta data          0         67                     2.864s
                   Drop Foreign Keys          0          4                     0.088s
------------------------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  --------------
                    mattermost.posts          0      58069    25.1 MB          4.464s
                     mattermost.jobs          0      16005     1.6 MB          0.864s
                   mattermost.audits          0       7965  1002.5 kB          0.744s
             mattermost.linkmetadata          0       1909   623.4 kB          1.380s
                mattermost.reactions          0       1080   124.9 kB          1.912s
                 mattermost.fileinfo          0       1059    12.2 MB          2.452s
           mattermost.channelmembers          0        539   119.3 kB          2.304s
          mattermost.sidebarchannels          0        152    17.8 kB          2.760s
                 mattermost.sessions          0         84    25.0 kB          3.244s
   mattermost.productnoticeviewstate          0        278    16.7 kB          2.080s
                  mattermost.systems          0         55     2.3 kB          3.740s
                 mattermost.channels          0        155    32.0 kB          2.576s
                     mattermost.bots          0         11     1.1 kB          3.956s
                   mattermost.drafts          0         78    17.0 kB          2.460s
         mattermost.clusterdiscovery          0          0                     4.024s
                   mattermost.status          0         37     2.0 kB          2.984s
            mattermost.desktoptokens          0          0                     4.084s
                    mattermost.teams          0         10     1.6 kB          2.908s
               mattermost.groupteams          0          0                     4.132s
              mattermost.preferences          0       1493   129.4 kB          0.440s
          mattermost.commandwebhooks          0          0                     3.144s
                mattermost.oauthapps          0          0                     4.188s
                    mattermost.emoji          0          0                     3.064s
     mattermost.channelmemberhistory          0        651    45.2 kB          0.932s
  mattermost.persistentnotifications          0          0                     4.164s
                 mattermost.licenses          0          0                     3.272s
  mattermost.retentionidsfordeletion          0          0                     4.156s
        mattermost.sidebarcategories          0        268    40.0 kB          1.380s
            mattermost.oauthauthdata          0          0                     3.196s
                  mattermost.schemes          0          0                     4.228s
     mattermost.postacknowledgements          0          0                     3.412s
              mattermost.teammembers          0        110     8.6 kB          1.864s
           mattermost.sharedchannels          0          0                     4.212s
        mattermost.retentionpolicies          0          0                     3.340s
           mattermost.recentsearches          0         65     9.3 kB          2.368s
           mattermost.uploadsessions          0          0                     4.148s
 mattermost.sharedchannelattachments          0          0                     3.540s
                    mattermost.roles          0         23    20.7 kB          2.872s
           mattermost.termsofservice          0          0                     3.468s
         mattermost.incomingwebhooks          0          7     1.1 kB          3.068s
               mattermost.usergroups          0          0                     3.672s
                 mattermost.commands          0          0                     3.124s
            mattermost.groupchannels          0          0                     3.168s
              mattermost.notifyadmin          0          0                     3.224s
 mattermost.outgoingoauthconnections          0          0                     3.264s
            mattermost.postreminders          0          0                     3.356s
mattermost.retentionpolicieschannels          0          0                     3.376s
     mattermost.sharedchannelremotes          0          0                     3.496s
                   mattermost.tokens          0          0                     3.480s
       mattermost.usertermsofservice          0          0                     3.584s
        mattermost.threadmemberships          0       1350   113.4 kB          0.472s
            mattermost.postspriority          0        594    35.4 kB          0.404s
      mattermost.pluginkeyvaluestore          0        176    39.4 kB          0.864s
                  mattermost.threads          0        106    13.9 kB          0.864s
                    mattermost.users          0         59    36.3 kB          0.980s
           mattermost.publicchannels          0         22     1.7 kB          0.988s
         mattermost.useraccesstokens          0          2     0.2 kB          1.108s
              mattermost.compliances          0          0                     1.112s
             mattermost.groupmembers          0          0                     1.204s
          mattermost.oauthaccessdata          0          0                     1.248s
         mattermost.outgoingwebhooks          0          0                     1.316s
           mattermost.remoteclusters          0          0                     1.392s
   mattermost.retentionpoliciesteams          0          0                     1.348s
       mattermost.sharedchannelusers          0          0                     1.348s
      mattermost.trueupreviewhistory          0          0                     1.340s
------------------------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  --------------
             COPY Threads Completion          0          8                     5.688s
                     Reset Sequences          0          0                     0.388s
                 Create Foreign Keys          0          2                     0.128s
                     Set Search Path          0          1                     0.104s
                    Install Comments          0          0                     0.000s
                          after load          0          4                     0.500s
------------------------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  --------------
                   Total import time          ✓      92412    41.3 MB          6.808s

Hi @averon! The warning messages during the migration typically indicate type mismatches that could potentially cause issues; I recommend reviewing them carefully to ensure data integrity. For more information, you can check the Mattermost Database Migration documentation for guidance on handling these warnings.