Add all users to the channel

Add all users to the channel using wildcards, example @*?
How to do it? Is there such a possibility?

Hi @brrrr66 ,

unfortunately this is not possible at the moment. If you want to add all local users to a channel, you’d have to either use the API or a small script using the mmctl tool to do that.

I looked through mctl, but it also needs an enumeration, as far as I understood. Get a list and then add users.

Did so. I don’t know how it will be if there are > 50 users :slight_smile:

We open “direct messages” and copy all users right from there. The “@” shows All users.
Then we go into the channel and send a message with this list. We will be asked to add the missing ones to the channel.

Yes, but you can script it and it’s basically just one command then to add all users into a new channel if you’ve prepared the script properly.
Clicking through all of them manually works too, of course, but as you said, the more users you have, the harder it gets doing it manually.

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Do you have an example of such a script on mmctl?

Assuming you only have one team named “test”:

# Create Channel "teamhuddle" in team "test"
# mmctl --local channel create --team test --name teamhuddle --display-name teamhuddle
New channel teamhuddle successfully created

# Add all active users to this channel
# mmctl --local channel users add test:teamhuddle $(mmctl --local user list --all --json 2>/dev/null | jq -r '.[] | select (.delete_at ==0) | .username' | xargs )
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All working! Really had to download the local version of mmctl, I the using docker “sudo docker run -it mattermost/mattermost-team-edition:latest /bin/sh” and there was no “jq” command in the container :slight_smile:
Also I removed the parameter "–local, I connect remotely.
Swore when adding on, as I understand it, system users. I think it’s not critical :slight_smile:

$ ~/bin/mmctl channel users add teamtest:test1 $(~/bin/mmctl user list --all --json 2>/dev/null | jq -r '.[] | select (.delete_at ==0) | .username' | xargs )
Unable to add 'appsbot' to test1. Error: : No team member found for that user ID and team ID., resource: TeamMember id: teamId=okcpj9czktrgmpkke9g41pa6fh, userId=dt7ntcjp3jff9brgtcxgqutoyo
Unable to add 'boards' to test1. Error: : No team member found for that user ID and team ID., resource: TeamMember id: teamId=okcpj9czktrgmpkke9g41pa6fh, userId=a9g8x3dd7bf1ukfb5xu96mpx3a
Unable to add 'calls' to test1. Error: : No team member found for that user ID and team ID., resource: TeamMember id: teamId=okcpj9czktrgmpkke9g41pa6fh, userId=3g9xc9krmbnefqqy566d3dxrne
Unable to add 'channel-recommender' to test1. Error: : No team member found for that user ID and team ID., resource: TeamMember id: teamId=okcpj9czktrgmpkke9g41pa6fh, userId=sx4osxcgqb8y7g8umk47haq18w
Unable to add 'channelexport' to test1. Error: : No team member found for that user ID and team ID., resource: TeamMember id: teamId=okcpj9czktrgmpkke9g41pa6fh, userId=fqebgodaztd3zx868s468cskdr
Unable to add 'feedbackbot' to test1. Error: : No team member found for that user ID and team ID., resource: TeamMember id: teamId=okcpj9czktrgmpkke9g41pa6fh, userId=x1f9fxmz8fyc7g1u1354w7tsxw
Unable to add 'playbooks' to test1. Error: : No team member found for that user ID and team ID., resource: TeamMember id: teamId=okcpj9czktrgmpkke9g41pa6fh, userId=awya86f197frjygtg99d6rxx8o
Unable to add 'system-bot' to test1. Error: : No team member found for that user ID and team ID., resource: TeamMember id: teamId=okcpj9czktrgmpkke9g41pa6fh, userId=zrktr1kdnbftin7mrh4m171h5h
Unable to add 'welcomebot' to test1. Error: : No team member found for that user ID and team ID., resource: TeamMember id: teamId=okcpj9czktrgmpkke9g41pa6fh, userId=78hdqiak8bdj5jm48unrprwrfw

Yes, the warnings for the bot accounts are OK, I did not ignore them in the command, but we could do that but anyways… it gets the job done and these few warnings can be ignored :slight_smile:

Geat, so thanks for the feedback, will mark this issue as resolved now.

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Very good input @agriesser , unfortunately in my scenario I can’t get the script to work.

First of all, I run things on Docker. Well, not a big deal, I thought I’d simply exec into the container and run mmctl from there.
This works in principle, but apparently jq isn’t part of the image and I don’t seem to be able to install it.

Anyway, next I thought I’d compile the list of user on my host and copy over to the docker image instead of the second mmctl in your oneliner:
sudo docker exec mattermost-app mmctl --local user list --all --json 2>/dev/null | jq -r '.[] | select (.delete_at ==0) | .username' > users

This gave me the raw userlist, one user per line, which I copied over to the docker image via docker cp.
But now I am stuck with the fact that my team name has got a blank in it’s name, at least that’s what I think the issue is.
mmctl --local channel users add 'Kreis Biberach':Workshops-Materialien $(cat /tmp/users | xargs) Error: unable to find channel "Kreis Biberach:Workshops-Materialien"

How would I reflect this:

Kreis Biberach

In the mmctl command? I tried several combinations of " and ’ with no success I am afraid.

Found a solution, turns out that the name of my team isn’t the same as what’s being displayed in the MM client.
Found the real name with sudo docker exec mattermost-app mmctl --local team list

docker is the same thing as sudo, just prepend it to the commands where necessary and use formaters and other stuff from the “outside”, in that case, you can use jq or xargs from the host.
The above commands work for docker containers using this slightly modified version:

docker exec -ti <container> mmctl --local channel create --team test --name teamhuddle --display-name teamhuddle
docker exec -ti <container> mmctl --local channel users add test:teamhuddle $(docker exec -ti <container> mmctl --local user list --all --json 2>/dev/null | jq -r '.[] | select (.delete_at ==0) | .username' | xargs )

The command in the $() block will run first and only the mmctl command will be run inside the container, the output will then be parsed on your host directly (the | jq... part) and the resulting list of usernames will then again be send to the second docker exec command (which is at the beginning of the command).

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I am unable to interact with the one and only team on my server (team name “members”, display name “FreeBorn”). I added another team and could execute all commands on that one, but the primary team with all the channels and users is not found. If I search “FreeBorn” mmctl returns “members:FreeBorn” and if I dump the database the Teams table shows it to be “FreeBorn” and “members” but if I try to do any mmctl command with the team I get “error occurred: * unable to find team…”

Any ideas? Thanks.

Hi M.N. Jackson! It sounds like there might be an issue with how the team is being referenced in mmctl. I’d recommend double-checking the team’s unique ID and using that in your mmctl commands instead of the display name. You can find more details on managing teams with mmctl in our Mattermost mmctl Command Line Tool documentation. Let me know if that helps!

So, I had already figured out that using the channel ID worked. Also figured out that if the channel display name is changed after channel creation, neither work for many of the mmctl functions that require a channel name. When I changed the display name back to its original name, those functions would work.

Perhaps stating the obvious, but just wanted to say it anyway:

If users are not members of the team, they can’t be added to its channels, so running the command to add all users will only succeed for those already in the team, effectively protecting the channel.

This command is still working great (just be sure to install jq for your system):

mmctl --local channel users add TEAM_NAME:CHANNEL_SLUG $(
    mmctl --local user list --all --json 2>/dev/null | jq -r '.[] | select(.delete_at == 0) | .username' | xargs
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