Happy to know that you are enjoying Mattermost. Based on the following statement:
In general, you are advised to deactivate users if they are no longer supposed to have access to Mattermost (and potentially have it again in the future).
Mattermost is designed as a system-of-record, so there is not an option to delete users from the Mattermost system, as such an operation could compromise the integrity of message archives.
If you do not want to lose any data, I would recommend you only run the mattermost CLI to delete the users but it will take a lot of time.
The team delete will only remove the teams which the users belong to, so the users will still have access.
If you are confident that the users that you want to delete users with the gmail.com domain, this can be done from the database level BUT I would recommend you to back it up first.
DELETE FROM Users WHERE Email LIKE "%gmail.com";
Ultimately, you can completely reset mattermost by running the mattermost reset --confirm command.
Again, it is very important to have a backup before performing any of the steps above.
This year, I don’t want to do a complete reset because I want to keep students and teachers, and even teams.
Except that I have about 1000 students and I don’t know how to manage them.
I would like to delete a team (a class for me) and the students inside (and their post) semi-automatically. Is this possible (for info, I have mmctl working)?