Boards suddenly disappeared

Recently started new Docker containers for postgres and mattermost. Suddenly the boards plugin stopped working.

Steps to reproduce
Not sure. It just stopped working Using mattermost-enterprise-edition:7.8

The boards plugin is version 7.8.8

Expected behavior
Boards appears in UI and I am able to access boards.

Observed behavior
Not visible in UI and not accessible via URL.

In plugins manager this is what I see for Boards.

This plugin failed to start. unable to generate webapp bundle: focalboard: unable to copy webapp bundle directory: focalboard: stat plugins/focalboard/webapp/dist: no such file or directory
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Boards has been deprecated as part of the core platform. You can install the community-supported plugin.

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What I ended up doing was unintalling the boards plugin that came with the docker container and going through the integrated marketplace to reinstall it.

It was a real scare because I had a whole bunch of things setup already. I was able to recover that seeing as it was still using the same DB i guess. I haven’t had a problem since.