Cannot install Plugin on Mattermost

I am trying to install GitHub - mattermost/mattermost-plugin-oembed with some changes. I installed it in the local environment and it works fine but when i try to install it in the productions server using Docker image, This throws the following error:

{"level":"warn","ts":1633674907.107157,"caller":"plugin/hclog_adapter.go:71","msg":"plugin failed to exit gracefully","plugin_id":"com.mattermost.oembed"}
{"level":"error","ts":1633674907.1096776,"caller":"mlog/log.go:232","msg":"Unable to activate plugin","plugin_id":"com.mattermost.oembed","error":"unable to start plugin: com.mattermost.oembed: Unrecognized remote plugin message: \n\nThis usually means that the plugin is either invalid or simply\nneeds to be recompiled to support the latest protocol.","errorVerbose":"Unrecognized remote plugin message: \n\nThis usually means that the plugin is either invalid or simply\nneeds to be recompiled to support the latest protocol.\nunable to start plugin: com.mattermost.oembed\*Environment).Activate\n\\*App).SyncPluginsActiveState.func2\n\\nruntime.goexit\n\truntime/asm_amd64.s:1373"}
{"level":"info","ts":1633674907.1203823,"caller":"bleveengine/bleve.go:267","msg":"UpdateConf Bleve"}
{"level":"warn","ts":1633674907.1342146,"caller":"plugin/hclog_adapter.go:71","msg":"plugin failed to exit gracefully","plugin_id":"com.mattermost.oembed"}
{"level":"error","ts":1633674907.1343296,"caller":"mlog/log.go:232","msg":"Unable to activate plugin","plugin_id":"com.mattermost.oembed","error":"unable to start plugin: com.mattermost.oembed: Unrecognized remote plugin message: \n\nThis usually means that the plugin is either invalid or simply\nneeds to be recompiled to support the latest protocol.","errorVerbose":"Unrecognized remote plugin message: \n\nThis usually means that the plugin is either invalid or simply\nneeds to be recompiled to support the latest protocol.\nunable to start plugin: com.mattermost.oembed\*Environment).Activate\n\\*App).SyncPluginsActiveState.func2\n\\nruntime.goexit\n\truntime/asm_amd64.s:1373"}

Mattermost Version: 5.33.1 & 5.33.6

Hi TerakoyaAcademia, welcome to the Mattermost forums and sorry for the late reply!

Did you ever manage to solve this problem or is it still relevant? If so, I’d like to help you with this now, just let me know.