The installation works perfectly, however, when attempting to change the port to 80/443 the server does not want to restart (restart failed), only on non-standard ports does it work. I am happy to use another port, however, I cannot seem to find how to get https then to work as changing the siteurl to https://… and visiting https:// returns an empty response.
Other than this mattermost works flawlessly
Steps to reproduce
How can we reproduce the issue (what version are you using?)
centOS 7, MySQL, team version
I have tried to set the port to 443, enabled TLS, specified my certificate locations (and also tried letsencrypt) but visiting the site over https just returns a blank response. Any ideas?
This site can’t provide a secure connection
dev.mattermost sent an invalid response.
Try running Windows Network Diagnostics.
If you have followed all steps and read through all special notes in the install guide that you referenced above, then possibly there is something missing in our docs.
Unfortunately I’m not knowledgeable enough about the topic, so would you like to join our nightly build server - the community and our engineers are more active in that server than here on Forums, and I’m sure someone can help answer your question there! There are many channels you can join to receive tips/help from our engineers and community members, e.g. Developer Toolkit and Peer-to-peer Help!