hi there. the custom themes setting “Sidebar Text Active Color” does not seem to work.
i’m using mattermost desktop client for mac 5.3.1 from the app store on macOS ventura 13.4 and i began to experiment with custom themes, and it seems that the setting “Sidebar Text Active Color” actually does not work. whatever color hexcode i set, the text color of the active channel in the sidebar just stays the way it is.
it seems to be a general problem though as the same behavior happens with the mattermost web client via web browser.
i started from the default theme “denim”; the settings for “denim” are
i changed the settings for
Sidebar Unread Text from white #ffffff to green #21ff06
Sidebar Text Active Border from blueish #5d89ea to pink #fb02fe
Sidebar Text Active Color from white #ffffff to pink #fb02fe
so the settings are now
Sidebar Unread Text and Sidebar Text Active Border work fine, but despite having set Sidebar Text Active Color from white #ffffff to pink #fb02fe it just stays white #ffffff when the channel is active; please see screenshot attached: the channel name “alex” should be written in pink #fb02fe
on https://docs.mattermost.com/welcome/customize-your-theme.html#sidebar-styles the explanation for Sidebar Text Active Color is “Text color of the active channel or tab in the Channels pane or Settings sidebar” so i would assume when i change that setting from default white #ffffff to e.g. pink #fb02fe the channel name of an active channel is supposed to appear in that pink #fb02fe - like e.g. “alex” in the screenshot.
can this be fixed?
and just an additional question: is there a color setting to change the background color of the active channel in the sidebar? it seems to be the same color like e.g. for the channel search (see screenshot).
Sidebar Text Hover BG sets for hovering over channel names, but i’d love to change the color for active status…
thx a lot and kind regards,