Create user with API

Hello there,

I’ve used Mattermost since version 7.1 and I was able to create users using the API with the following payload:


I’ve updated to the most recent version of Mattermost and now I’m unable to create users. This is the error returned:

	"message":"Inscri\u00e7\u00e3o com e-mail est\u00e1 desativada.",

I went into the System Console->Authentication->Signup and enabled “Enable Account Creation”.
After this i get this error message:

	"message":"Este servidor n\u00e3o permite inscri\u00e7\u00f5es abertas.  Por favor, fale com o seu Administrador para receber um convite.",

I didn’t change my server configuration and don’t want to open my server to the internet, I just want to be able to create new users through the API.

What can I do to overcome this?

Server Details:

Mattermost Version: 9.2.2
Database Schema Version: 113
Build Number: 6801073174
Database: mysql
