Design Preview: Read receipts for DMs/GMs

This feature adds different states to messages to show the state of the message and allows us to know if the other user has seen the message.

In mission-critical scenarios, visibility of the status of your message might be the difference between success or failure of a mission. Currently, we don’t show different states. We use a greyed-out state when the message is pending (not yet sent to the server), but that may not be obvious enough and may not be enough detail to truly understand the status.

Link to Jira Ticket
Figma Link
Research on competitors, Slack, Whatsapp, Signal Telegram
Requests from customers

UX Behaviour

Read receipts will only be available in Direct messages and Group messages.

Message states

Details popover

For GMs

For DMs

System and Account Settings

By default the feature will be disabled both on the system and the account settings for existing and new users.

It will have four options:

  • Disabled
  • Enabled (default off)
  • Enabled (default on)
  • Always on

Once the system admin enables it (either default off or on), users would get this modal.
Clicking on view message status settings take you to your account settings display.

Mobile Designs