OK, sorry - the focalboard schema migrations are not that intelligent and do not wrap around “if exists” clauses, my fault
Please run the following query to work around my stupidness:
INSERT INTO `focalboard_schema_migrations` VALUES (1,'init'),(2,'system_settings_table'),(3,'blocks_rootid'),(4,'auth_table'),(5,'blocks_modifiedby'),(6,'sharing_table'),(7,'workspaces_table'),(8,'teams'),(9,'blocks_history'),(10,'blocks_created_by'),(11,'match_collation'),(12,'match_column_collation'),(13,'millisecond_timestamps'),(14,'add_not_null_constraint'),(15,'blocks_history_no_nulls'),(16,'subscriptions_table'),(17,'add_file_info');
this should restore the previous setting and we then need to manually apply the commands from this file:
Looking at your database schema, you do already have the table focalboard_teams
and no focalboard_workspaces
table anymore, so line #2 can be skipped.
Please try to run the following commands one after the other and let me know if you encounter a problem with one of them:
show create table focalboard_blocks;
If the column called workspace_id is not of type VARCHAR(36):
ALTER TABLE focalboard_blocks CHANGE workspace_id channel_id VARCHAR(36);
If there is noj column called board_id
ALTER TABLE focalboard_blocks ADD COLUMN board_id VARCHAR(36);
show create table focalboard_blocks_history;
If the column called workspace_id is not of type VARCHAR(36):
ALTER TABLE focalboard_blocks_history CHANGE workspace_id channel_id VARCHAR(36);
If there is no column called board_id
ALTER TABLE focalboard_blocks_history ADD COLUMN board_id VARCHAR(36);
Run this command:
UPDATE focalboard_blocks SET fields = JSON_SET(fields, '$.columnCalculations', cast('{}' as json)) WHERE fields->'$.columnCalculations' = cast('[]' as json);
UPDATE focalboard_blocks b
SELECT id, fields->'$.columnCalculations' as board_calculations from focalboard_blocks
WHERE fields -> '$.columnCalculations' <> cast('{}' as json)
) AS s on s.id = b.root_id
SET fields = JSON_SET(fields, '$.columnCalculations', cast(s.board_calculations as json))
WHERE b.fields->'$.viewType' = 'table'
AND b.type = 'view';
show create table focalboard_boards;
If there are no indices named idx_board_team_id
or idx_board_channel_id
, create the missing ones:
CREATE INDEX idx_board_team_id ON {{.prefix}}boards(team_id, is_template);
CREATE INDEX idx_board_channel_id ON {{.prefix}}boards(channel_id);
select count(*) from focalboard_boards;
If the table has NO entries (if it is empty), run the following commands:
INSERT INTO focalboard_boards (
SELECT B.id, B.insert_at, C.TeamId, B.channel_id, B.created_by, B.modified_by, C.Type,
COALESCE(B.title, ''),
COALESCE(JSON_UNQUOTE(JSON_EXTRACT(B.fields,'$.description')), ''),
COALESCE(B.fields->'$.showDescription', 'false') = 'true',
COALESCE(JSON_EXTRACT(B.fields, '$.isTemplate'), 'false') = 'true',
COALESCE(B.fields->'$.templateVer', 0),
'{}', B.fields->'$.cardProperties', B.create_at,
B.update_at, B.delete_at
FROM focalboard_blocks AS B
INNER JOIN Channels AS C ON C.Id=B.channel_id
WHERE B.type='board'
UPDATE focalboard_blocks SET board_id=root_id;
DELETE FROM focalboard_blocks WHERE type = 'board';
select count(*) from focalboard_boards_history;
If the table has NO entries (if it is empty), run the following commands:
INSERT INTO focalboard_boards_history (
SELECT B.id, B.insert_at, C.TeamId, B.channel_id, B.created_by, B.modified_by, C.Type,
COALESCE(B.title, ''),
COALESCE(JSON_UNQUOTE(JSON_EXTRACT(B.fields,'$.description')), ''),
COALESCE(B.fields->'$.showDescription', 'false') = 'true',
COALESCE(JSON_EXTRACT(B.fields, '$.isTemplate'), 'false') = 'true',
COALESCE(B.fields->'$.templateVer', 0),
'{}', B.fields->'$.cardProperties', B.create_at,
B.update_at, B.delete_at
FROM focalboard_blocks_history AS B
INNER JOIN Channels AS C ON C.Id=B.channel_id
WHERE B.type='board'
UPDATE focalboard_blocks_history SET board_id=root_id;
DELETE FROM focalboard_blocks_history WHERE type = 'board';
Now up to the next table:
show create table focalboard_board_members;
if it does NOT have an index called idx_boardmembers_user_id
, create it:
CREATE INDEX idx_boardmembers_user_id ON focalboard_board_members(user_id);
select count(*) from focalboard_board_members;
If the table has NO entries (if it is empty), run the following commands:
INSERT INTO focalboard_board_members (
FROM focalboard_boards AS B
INNER JOIN ChannelMembers as CM ON CM.ChannelId=B.channel_id
WHERE CM.SchemeAdmin=True OR (CM.UserId=B.created_by)
And if this all worked out, tell the system that we managed to jump over migration ID 18:
INSERT INTO focalboard_schema_migrations VALUES (18, 'add_teams_and_boards');
And restart your Mattermost server or try to enable the plugin again.