I have the same username in GitLab as in Mattermost. When I click on Mattermost’s Recent Mentions button, I do not find messages that were auto-posted to Mattermost from GitLab, where my @ is mentioned in the quote-text.
For example, a recent MM message is pulled in from GitLab. It’s posted by the “GitLab” MM user and says “[GL user] commented on issue #123 in [GL project]” and it includes quote-text from the GL issue that includes my @username.
My @ is highlighted in the MM channel and I receive an MM notification that I’ve been pinged in the MM channel. But later, when I’m in the Windows MM app, and I click on the “@” button for Recent Mentions, this message does not come up in the search.
However, when I navigate on my own to that MM message, my @ is highlighted…
Windows MM app Version number 5.10.2
Goal: When I click “Recent Mentions” it should show all instances of my username being pinged in channels, including quote-text from auto-posted GitLab issues.