GitLab mentions do not appear in Recent Mentions

I have the same username in GitLab as in Mattermost. When I click on Mattermost’s Recent Mentions button, I do not find messages that were auto-posted to Mattermost from GitLab, where my @ is mentioned in the quote-text.

For example, a recent MM message is pulled in from GitLab. It’s posted by the “GitLab” MM user and says “[GL user] commented on issue #123 in [GL project]” and it includes quote-text from the GL issue that includes my @username.

My @ is highlighted in the MM channel and I receive an MM notification that I’ve been pinged in the MM channel. But later, when I’m in the Windows MM app, and I click on the “@” button for Recent Mentions, this message does not come up in the search.

However, when I navigate on my own to that MM message, my @ is highlighted…

Windows MM app Version number 5.10.2

Goal: When I click “Recent Mentions” it should show all instances of my username being pinged in channels, including quote-text from auto-posted GitLab issues.

Hi Rindy, thanks for sharing the details of your issue! It sounds like this might be related to how Mattermost handles mentions in messages that include quote-text from integrations like GitLab. As a starting point, I recommend reviewing the documentation on Mentions for more insight, and you might also want to check if your Mattermost server is configured to index those messages for search. If this behavior persists, please let us know so we can help investigate further! :blush:

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