Image_URL not rendering image in chat

Here is the code…
func (plugin *MoveRequestPlugin) MonitorArmDeskAttachmentHelpMessage() *model.SlackAttachment {
imagePath, err := plugin.API.GetBundlePath()

if err != nil {
	plugin.API.LogError("could not open image path")
	return []*model.SlackAttachment{{Text: plugin.UnKnownErrMessage()}}

manufactStand := filepath.Join(imagePath, "assets", "NoArmsAttached.png") + " =50x50"
clampedDesk := filepath.Join(imagePath, "assets", "ClampedtoDesk.png") + " =50x50"
holeInDesk := filepath.Join(imagePath, "assets", "holeinDesk.png") + " =50x50"

return []*model.SlackAttachment{{
	Text: "Not sure what each of these options look like, well here are some images of each option to help you make your decision.\n" +
		"![](" + manufactStand + " \"Manufacturer's Stands\") ![](" + clampedDesk +
		" \"Clamped to the side of the desk\") ![](" + holeInDesk + "\"Through a hole in top of desk\")",


The image shows up as a broken image. The path name is correct but it is not working.