Installing Mattermost using Terminal on macOS

Hello, I am trying to install Mattermost Server using terminal on my MacBook. I am following the steps which are present at Installing Mattermost on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS — Mattermost documentation
I am following every step properly which is for mysql, but when I come to the step 7 where I have to configure Json file with driver name as ‘mysql’ and data source which is given by my professor (“DataSource”:“mmuser:mmuser-password@tcp(,utf8\u0026writeTimeout=30s”,) note that I change the mmuser-password to the one I created in earlier steps. after this I save the json file and the main problem comes when I put in the next command which is (cd /opt/mattermost) and then (sudo -u mattermost ./bin/mattermost). After this step I get an ERROR. I have attached the picture of the error. Please assist me I am really lost in all of this!!!