Issue to run sudo find mattermost/ mattermost/client/

Upgrading mattermost trying to run this command:

root@EDMM:/opt/mattermost# sudo find mattermost/ mattermost/client/ -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 ! ( -type d ( -path mattermost/client -o -path mattermost/client/plugins -o -path mattermost/config -o -path mattermost/logs -o -path mattermost/plugins -o -path mattermost/data ) -prune ) | sort

I’ve got

find: mattermost : No such file or directory
find: mattermost/client/ : No such file or directory

What is wrong there?

You are in the directory already.

Hi Gavin, perhaps I wasn’t clear enough.
I’m following this instruction:

And was expecting that it will delete the contents of the folder but faced described error. Am I doing something wrong?

Switch to /opt and not /opt/mattermost

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Thanks a lot @jprusch. Clearly I’ve missed that {install-folder} is /opt not /opt/mattermost
My respect.

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