Hello everyone,
I’ve been having trouble configuring mattermost for a week now. I’ve scoured a lot of forums, but I still can’t get it to work.
i’m using Mattermost 8.1.1 omnibus, on ubuntu 20.04 (I’m not using Docker)
i tried other versions and i got the same problem.
I have a pfsense with a public ip and a private ip. HaProxy installed as a plugin, and ACME managing certificates.
I have three domain subs. Eeach one have a backend, and one front end to manage them. (HTTPS_to_HTTP)
Here is the configuration of the mattermost backend:
Name: mattermost.domaine.com
port: 8065
And the Mattermost front end:
listen address: WAN
port : 443
ssloffloading: Checked.
type: http/https offloading
Name : Mattermost
Expression : host start with
Value: mattermost.domaine.com
use backend: mattermost.domaine.com
condition acl names : Mattermost
use forward for : checked
Certificat : Selected
All other options are on default mode.
I can redirect https traffic to http succesfully.
but i have and error saying : Please check connection, Mattermost unreachable. If issue persists, ask administrator to check WebSocket port
and the calls is not working, stuck on connecting to call and then i have an error i think because of the websocket.
Can you help me configure my pfsense/HaProxy please, and let me understand why it wont work.
Thank you in advance.