Kubernetes setup

Hello Team,

am trying to setup the mattermost on kubernetes, because of we want to switch our mattermost on-prem to containerisation. am getting below error.

command executed: kubectl describe mm -n mattermost
Error: failed to check Minio instance: no matches for kind “MinIOInstance” in version “miniocontroller.min.io/v1beta1
Observed Generation: 15
State: reconciling

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Hi there,

I see that you have already raised a support ticket. To avoid duplication of effort, I’ll let the support team handle your request.

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Please return with an answer. I seem to have the same issue, although I have a standalone MinIO instance in my cluster.

I’m having the same issue, please post the solution. This is a generic problem.

For more information and troubleshooting around Kubernetes setup, I’d recommend checking out our Install Mattermost on Kubernetes guide.

I am following the document, but don’t know what’s wrong with my config.

Heya shaq! Welcome to the forums. Can you perhaps provide us with a bit more info on the error you’re receiving?

I am installing mm following https://docs.mattermost.com/install/install-kubernetes.html

mattermost-operator successfully installed
via helm install mattermost-operator mattermost/mattermost-operator -n mattermost-operator -f mattermost-operator-config.yaml
with config:

  enabled: true
  replicas: 1
    create: true
    create: true
    maxReconcilingInstallations: 20
    maxReconcilingConcurrency: 10
    requeuOnLimitDelay: 20s
    repository: mattermost/mattermost-operator
    tag: v1.22.0
    pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
    - --enable-leader-election
    - --metrics-addr=

  ## Specify image pull secret for private repository
    enabled: false
    imagePullSecret: <name of the secret>

    enabled: false

install mm
via: kubectl apply -n mattermost -f mattermost-installation.yaml
with config:

apiVersion: installation.mattermost.com/v1beta1
kind: Mattermost
  name: mm                # Chose the desired installation name. Example = mm-example-full
  size: 100users                       # Adjust to your requirements. Example = 5000users
    enabled: true
    host: coop.sanzhiwei.cn               # Adjust to your domain. Example = example.mattermost-example.com
      kubernetes.io/ingress.class: nginx
      secret: my-postgres-connection
  version: 9.11.1                       # Select a recent supported version of Mattermost. Example = 9.3.0
      value: local
# value need to be base64 encoded `echo "postgres://ps_user:SecurePassword@postgres:5432/ps_db?sslmode=disable&connect_timeout=10" | openssl base64`
apiVersion: v1
  DB_CONNECTION_CHECK_URL: cG9zdGdyZVzOjU0MzIvcHhYmxlJmNvbm5lY3RfdGltZW91dD0xMAo=
  DB_CONNECTION_STRING: cG9zdGdyZXM6Ly9wcU0MzIvcHNfZGI/c3NsbW9kZT1kaXNhYmxlJmNvbm5lY3RfdG0xMAo=
kind: Secret
  name: my-postgres-connection
type: Opaque

but installation hang.
Check kubectl -n mattermost describe mm mm show error:

  Error:                failed to check Minio instance: no matches for kind "MinIOInstance" in version "miniocontroller.min.io/v1beta1"
  Observed Generation:  2
  State:                reconciling

Hi Shaq! It looks like the installation is hanging due to an issue with MinIO configuration. Since your setup has minioOperator disabled, you may want to verify that the database and file storage settings are correct for your use case.

As I don’t want to use MinIO, so I disable it.
I want to use my locale storage

Add more info, After I enabled minioOperator via delete:

    enabled: false

Still the same errro

Hi Shaq! Since you’re not using MinIO and prefer local storage, make sure that spec.fileStore.external is configured correctly in your mattermost-installation.yaml to reference local storage instead. Additionally, if MinIO is still causing issues, try removing the MinIO references from your configuration altogether to prevent the operator from attempting to reconcile it. Let me know if this helps!