Managing User Access with private teams


When adding members via “Send Email Invite”, new members aren’t added to the team and instead see a message that says “No teams are available to join. Please ask your administrator for an invite.” Once they’ve created the account they can be added via the “add members to team” option.

Expected behavior

I expect that members who get and email invite would be automatically added to that team, similarly to how the “Team Invite Link” works.

Our organization has security concerns with using the “Team Invite Link” since it gives anyone with access to the link the ability to join the server/team. Our ideal workflow is to control access by only sending invites to emails that we trust. However, the extra step of using the “Add members to team” option makes it frustrating for new members since they go through the account setup process and then reach a dead end.

Hi @bbddg,

Thanks for the feedback!

Here is more information on the differences between the “Send Email Invite”, “add members to team” and “Team Invite Link" buttons:

We would love to hear more about this in our feature proposal forum. You get 10 votes there, and each one influences the future of the project:

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Hello, @bbddg

On top of the documentation shared by @amy.blais, I would like to share Mattermost’s ability to restrict
users from specific domains to join the team as mentioned in the documentation below:

Settings >> Users and Teams >> Restrict account creation to specified email domains


Perhaps you can give it a try and share the outcome to the rest of the community.