Invite users to the team by email ISSUE WITH API

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Issue in one concise sentence

Can’t Invite users to the team by email with API

Steps to reproduce


curl --header “Authorization: Bearer XXXXXX” --request POST --data ‘[“”]’

Expected behavior

Describe your issue in detail
To send an e-mail to the user

Observed behavior

What did you see happen? Please include relevant error messages and/or screenshots.
Getting this output
{“id”:“”,“message”:“Email invitations are disabled.”,“detailed_error”:"",“request_id”:“3hghi3edj3rjmqrmomdxe8tx1e”,“status_code”:501}

How can I enable API TEAM INVITE MEMBERS APP error.
I searched everywhere but I can’t make it send mails.
The MAIL server is configured. I’m so frustrated :frowning: