I recently did a large migration from Slack to Mattermost. I exported and imported the data in one-year increments so the computer could handle it. After finishing the report it appears most things came over great and I’m pretty happy with the process.
However, i had a few channels ran into is some channels with random character names “c02q6gtvag0” that are not Slack. These channels particularly came over with no data in them.
Any advice on these two things would be helpful.
And a bonus question here. After the import mattermost sees every channel a user is in as unread messages. Is there a quick way to mark every message read so my users don’t have to clear each channel? I’m currently running a PHP script that accesses the API and loops through each user and each channel and marks it as read. But I’m not sure yet that will handle private messages and it is taking a very long time to run