I have already seen some integrations of Mattermost in Nextcloud as an “External Site” (so I guess using Iframe), but I’m not able to figure out how to do so.
So if you have a clear explanation of how I can handle :
1 - Iframe integration of Mattermost (to use it inside Nextcloud - I use apache and not nginx)
2 - Authentication using Nextcloud credentials
would be super nice !
For 1 one has to note that if both Mattermost and Nextcloud share the domain embedding Mattermost with an iframe will work out of the box (but you will miss browser notifications since they generally do not work through an iframe).
What I mean with “share the domain” is Mattermost being available via your-server.domain.com/mattermost and Nextcloud being available via your-server.domain.com/nextcloud.
A way around the missing notifications would be https://github.com/Kopano-dev/mattermost-plugin-notifymatters which implements a post message api in Mattermost, but then afaik the “external site” plugin still needs to understand how to use this api.
In case Mattermost and Nextcloud are running on different (sub) domains you need to modify the csp through your vhost to make it possible to load Mattermost in an iframe from a different domain.
edit: for 2 your best choice is probably to find an external authentication source that works with both Nextcloud and Mattermost (like LDAP, or possibly Gitlabs Oauth)
Thanks for you answer @fbartels ! Unfortunetly Nextcloud and MM do not share the same domain but are on a different sub domains. I found a lot of solutions concerning vhost config for installations running nginx but it’s more difficult to find something up to date for apache. Would you have some advices for such an installation on the parameters I would have to specify in my vhost apache config ?
though the way this ultimately works is that 2 enables you to embed mattermost on any site, so you could even skip 1. (with Nginx this is indeed more secure, since you can unset the header only for the proxied request).
Depends on the use case but likely no. What you linked is the toolkit to integrate with Mattermost. So you could technically login to Mattermost. But this does not mean that usernames and passwords will be the same between Mattermost and Nextcloud.
As long as Mattermost does not support OpenID Connect I have already given you two of the existing choices.