The problem:
Since moving to Google Cloud, both the browser version and on PC app version not auto showing updates. The “ws://” always receive “N/A” length.
It looks like user-end only gets update irregularly from “http://[root URL]/api/v4/channels/[some ID]/posts?since=[…]”; sometimes the interval seems to be 10 minutes, sometimes longer.
I am not yet certain if it is Google Cloud blocking the WS connection because I don’t have access to many resources.
Please advice how I may be able to confirm the source of the problem. And please advice if there is a workaround if no one can help me with the problem if it is indeed Google Cloud blocking it and I have no way to change the settings on my Google Cloud account.
That absolutely sounds like we WebSocket issue. There should be something like a security group applied to your instance. That’s probably where the issue is.
Could it be my configuration problem?
I have not touched anything after installing Mattermost.
My config has the follow values:
“WebsocketURL”: “”
“ListenAddress”: “:8065”
“WebsocketSecurePort”: 443
“WebsocketPort”: 80
Should I change them?
After enabling debug mode on log, I see the
“http_code”:400,“error”:“connect: Failed to upgrade websocket connection., websocket: request origin not allowed by Upgrader.CheckOrigin”
message. I think the origin is the same, it is “http://[IP]:8065”. The websocket connection use “ws://[IP]:8065”.
I tried to change the “AllowCorsFrom” to *, the WebSocket can be connected. But no matter how I check the front-end, the origins look exactly the same. I would like to know what the “origin” is. I mean the log is telling me there is cross origin problem, but I can’t see any different origin, I would like to know what “origin” does Mattermost see, how can I see the “origin” that Mattermost detected?
I use “http://[server IP]:8065” for the “AllowCorsFrom”, then the WebSocket seems working now. But why? “http://[server IP]” and “http://[server IP]:8065” are the same origin right?
The version that I use is Mattermost Team Edition v7.10.5