If your customized Mattermost Mug has not arrived within 6 to 8 weeks, please mail feedback@mattermost.com so we can look into the issue.
Sometimes there are issues with the mailing address, sometimes we make a mistake, sometimes the vendor makes a mistake.
You should receive a mug for your first contribution if:
- You have completed a CLA and your first pull requests has been merged into an official Mattermost project on https://github.com/mattermost
- You completed your first integration and filled out the address portion of the “please let us know about your work” form at http://www.mattermost.org/community-applications/
- You were the first person to disclose a previously unknown security issue via the Mattermost Responsible Disclosure Policy and after its confirmation were asked for your mailing address
The one exception is if you live in a country to which our vendor can’t ship the mug, in which case you should get an email asking if we can ship the mug to someone you know in a country we can reach.
If you should have received a mug and haven’t please let us know so we can fix the issue.
Thank you so much for sharing back to the Mattermost community and for your lasting contribution to the history of the project.