Missing platform property type=apple_rnbeta

Hi all,

I’m facing some issue with Mattermost push notification on an legacy project. Since I’m new here, I firstly tried to google for solution, investigate documentation and source code, but still can’t resolve this issue:

“ERROR Did not send message because of missing platform property type=apple_rnbeta”

Here is my mattermost-push-proxy.json:

“ListenAddress”: “:8066”,
“ThrottlePerSec”: 300,
“ThrottleMemoryStoreSize”: 50000,
“ThrottleVaryByHeader”: “X-Forwarded-For”,
“EnableMetrics”: false,
“ApplePushSettings”: [
“Type”: “apple”,
“ApplePushUseDevelopment”: false,
“ApplePushCertPrivate”: “./aps_production_priv.pem”,
“ApplePushCertPassword”: “”,
“ApplePushTopic”: “com.my.app”
“Type”: “apple_rn”,
“ApplePushUseDevelopment”: false,
“ApplePushCertPrivate”: “./aps_production_priv.pem”,
“ApplePushCertPassword”: “”,
“ApplePushTopic”: “com.my.app”

"AndroidPushSettings": [
        "Type": "android_rn",
        "AndroidApiKey": "ANDROID_KEY"


I tried to update “apple_rn” to “apple_rnbeta” but this didn’t resolve my issue. On android, everything is fine, but I can’t make it to work on iOS.

When I test manually,

curl MYHOST/send_push -X POST -H “Content-Type: application/json” -d ‘{“type”: “message”, “message”: “test”, “badge”: 1, “platform”: “apple_rn”, “server_id”: “MY_ID”, “device_id”: “MY_DEVICE_ID”, “channel_id”: “com.my.app”}’

As result I get {“status”:“REMOVE”}

But when I run same command, but change platform property to “apple_rnbeta” i get same error:
"Did not send message because of missing platform property type=apple_rnbeta "

In documentation I couldn’t find detailed information about type property in documentation. It seems to me mattermost server pushing wrong property to push proxy, but I can’t prove it.

Can someone help me to solve this issue, or at least explain what is the issue here, please? I really spent to much time on this and couldn’t solve this issue.

Many thanks,

Hi @nikolakale, wondering if these previous issues might help: