Mattermost-push-proxy is not working

Hi, I have the last stable version of mattermost installed in a test server, all was working very well until yesterday, suddenly my team lose connection.

Today mattermost was complete stopped, doing a review I could see that push notifications never go out of the server, the server never response, then I installed mattermost-push-proxy

I have this error all-time:
ERR: 2020/08/29 01:57:55 logger.go:80: Android response failure: &{6675678001648401474 0 1 0 [{ mismatched sender id}] 0 } type=android_rn

I have the correct keys in android and android_rn, but I don’t fpund where configure the “sender id”.

I tested the proxy using curl and I have the same message.

Hi @ernesto,

Could you look at the guide for installing the Push Notification Service and integrating with Mattermost, if there are any steps you missed

Secondly, you could look into this discussion [SOLVED] Mattermost-push-proxy - Readme Instructions incomplete? for a further guide.

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Hi Andrew, offcourse I read the guide and followed all the steps.

I was reading the second link, but is not my problem, the services is working good (it’s UP) , the problem is this message:

INFO: 2020/08/31 15:21:54 logger.go:62: Sending android push notification for device=android_rn and type=clear
ERR: 2020/08/31 15:21:54 logger.go:80: Android response failure: &{4106208683457487325 0 1 0 [{ mismatched sender id}] 0 } type=android_rn

It’s clear, I need send a “sender id”.

Hi Ernesto,

I requested you go through the links because of your statement “Today mattermost was complete stopped…” which implied the service is not up. Thanks for the clarification.

Could you check if the Mattermost Server that you are running on has a firewall that blocks connection to the default (US) and (Germany) listed in the documentation?

Hi Andrew, the server is without firewall, but, this is not the problem.

I want to use mattermost-push-proxy, then, Google is answer me that I need a “sender id”.

Hi Ernesto!
Did you decide this problem? I have the same and cannot find decision((