Redirection after logout

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Hello, we are looking for redirection when disconnecting a user to a different logout url which allows us to also disconnect from our access manager .
In our f5 big ip load balancer we have an i-rule which matches with the uri /api/v4/users/logout ,
but mattermost systematically redirects to it’s own login page… whether in the web version or with the heavy client.

Version number 9.3.0

First, I’d strongly recommend upgrading. 9.3.0 is pretty old. You want to get to 9.5.12, then 9.11.4, then possibly on to 10.x

I’ll ask around about a logout redirection.

Have you seen SAML Single Sign-On: technical documentation - Mattermost documentation ?

Oh, and since SSO is an option in paid tiers of Mattermost, you can open a support case at