Scheduled posts feature requires a license after update

Hello, could you please help me with a problem: after updating of Mattermost my plugin doesn’t work. In logs I have error:
{“timestamp”:“2025-01-27 11:44:20.670 Z”,“level”:“debug”,“msg”:“Scheduled posts feature requires a license”,“caller”:“web/context.go:120”,“path”:“/api/v4/posts/scheduled/team/iccr1wosejy5umr7gufrh1jwcw”,“request_id”:“11noq4gpofdbxkamup5s9fnwee”,“ip_addr”:“”,“user_id”:“srbb9979a7bu7phd1imt5ymnwh”,“method”:“GET”,“err_where”:“”,“http_code”:400,“error”:“Scheduled posts feature requires a license”}

Have access rights changed, or maybe I’m just sending requests incorrectly?

Hi Anna, it looks like your plugin is attempting to use the Scheduled Posts feature, which now requires an Enterprise license. If your Mattermost instance doesn’t have an appropriate license, the API request will return a 400 error, as seen in your logs. For more information about this change, I would recommend browsing this thread here: Design Preview: Scheduled Messages - #45 by matthewbirtch

Thank you very mutch for your answer!

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