Search all teams and public channels

Hi everyone,

I have two questions:

  1. Is is possible to search for keywords in all public channels of a team, including the ones that I am not a member of?
    If not, is there a workaround?

  2. Is is possible to search for keywords in all teams I am a member of?
    If not, is there a workaround?

I couldn’t find these functionalities in the documentation.
Does anyone know if there is an add-on available or if the E1.0 / E2.0 version supports this?

Hi @MarcelB,

Thanks for your questions,

At the moment it’s not possible to search in public channels you do not belong to; neither is it possible to search across teams unless you switch to the relevant team.

We’re working on improving search functionality to include these kinds of situations. Perhaps you could add your vote to this suggestion on our forum or create your own suggestions that can be upvoted 10 times by you and others.

There is no search across all the teams you belong to. We have a bunch of teams in our organization each having numerous channels and finding which team something was mentioned in is painful. We need this badly.

The issue of searching across teams is this separate suggestion. Vote for it please.