SMTP configuration test connection error

!Connection unsuccessful: Connection unsuccessful: authentication failed: unencrypted connection

im using connection security is “None”.

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Can you post a screenshot of your SMTP settings?

please find the attachment.

I see you’re accessing port 25 in your example. I’m guessing maybe it expects SMTP over TLS on port 587?

I don’t have TLS and STARTTLS for connection security. That’s why I use “None”.

What do the mail server logs say?

Please find the logs attached below.

Mattermost Log:

{“timestamp”:“2025-01-09 15:57:30.458
+05:30”,“level”:“warn”,“msg”:“Error decoding the config”,“caller”:“api4/system.go:220”,“path”:“/api/v4/email/test”,“request_id”:“jo8e1xtonir7um16ywrtacnhaa”,“ip_addr”:“x.x.x.x”,
{“timestamp”:“2025-01-09 15:57:30.462
+05:30”,“level”:“error”,“msg”:“Connection unsuccessful: authentication failed:unencrypted
connection”,“caller”:“web/context.go:124”,“path”:“/api/v4/email/test”,“request_id”:“jo8e1xtonir7um16ywrtacnhaa”,“ip_addr”:“x.x.x.x”,“user_id”:“7549heur47yfpq85etsqdwiqjc”,“method”:“POST”,“err_where”:“testEmail”,“http_code”:500,“error”:“testEmail: Connection unsuccessful: authentication failed: unencrypted connection”}

Mail Srever Log

Jan 9 15:58:38 mcl postfix/smtpd[24376]: connect from unknown[x.x.x.x]
Jan 9 15:58:38 mcl postfix/smtpd[24376]: disconnect from unknown[x.x.x.x]
Jan 9 15:58:46 mcl postfix/smtpd[24376]: connect from unknown[x.x.x.x]
Jan 9 15:58:46 mcl postfix/smtpd[24376]: disconnect from unknown[x.x.x.x]

I’d look at making the postfix logs more chatty, give more info. There area few ways to do this. Postfix Debugging Howto

This is almost certainly coming from the postfix side… Mattermost doesn’t decide these things, it just uses the config you supply and tries to open a connection. It’s receiving something it interprets as “unencrypted connection” from postfix. Getting more verbose logs should give some details as to why.