SMTP Proton implementation

Hi There

We’re looking to replace our institutional SMTP (MS365) with Proton in our self hosted Mattermost instance.

I see there is some Mattermost documentation of SMTP set up - SMTP email setup — Mattermost documentation
and Proton has it’s own - How to set up SMTP to use business applications or devices with Proton Mail | Proton for business
Has anyone in the forum using proton as their SMTP sender in MM? Wondering if this is an approach folks have taken . . . any caveats/warnings . . .

Thanks for considering,


Hi @Telezoic ,

Protonmail supports SMTP and mattermost does so too, so after you created an SMTP account and an SMTP token in Protonmail, you can just enter this information into the SMTP server settings in Mattermost.

Did you try that already and if so, what problems did you encounter?

Thanks @agriesser . I’m shifting gears, Proton requires an enterprise account to to this. We’re going to look at AWS SES instead.


Alright, thanks for letting us know, marking this as resolved now.

I have a business account with Proton that allows me to generate SMTP tokens to use with third party apps. I still receive the “Connection unsuccessful: Connection unsuccessful: unable to connect to the SMTP server through TLS: tls: first record does not look like a TLS handshake” when testing the connection in Mattermost.

  1. What are your SMTP settings?

  2. Set LogLevel to DEBUG, restart Mattermost, tail /opt/mattermost/logs/mattermost.log, hit test, and review / post whet gets logged.