[SOLVED] How to increase the maximum page_size of request?

Its currently 200 I want to increase to 1000.
will give only 200 results. i.e. max allowed per_page is 200.

Thanks @bibekdari! What’s your use case to return 1000 results?

I want all channel members at once so that I can sort them on my own way.
actually by display name which I have created based on priority given to nickname > full name > username. like below. I want to sort users based on that display name so I need all users. I have 1000 users on my team that’s why I want to increase that page_size.
func displayName(user: User) -> String {
if user.nickname.exists {
return user.nickname

if user.fullName.exists {
return user.fullname

return user.username

Hi @bibekdari,

I would suggest making multiple requests until you get all the channel members you need

e.g. /api/v4/channels/{channel_id}/members?page=0&per_page=200, /api/v4/channels/{channel_id}/members?page=1&per_page=200, and so on until you receive less than 200 results, meaning you’ve hit the end.

Then once you have all the channel members you can sort them however you like