So I have a built a cool plugin that returns some information about an anime that the user searches for. Now I am trying to make this integration more compatible with MM since I can return markdown for MM.
So my question is, is there a way my app can tell that the post request is coming from mattermost vs slack? Thanks
We don’t have any plans for that yet, but it does sound useful. If you submit a feature idea on our feature idea forum, community members could vote on it and we can prioritize accordingly.
Potentially you could try to look for “” in the URL string,
What most integrations do is have a mode or setting for Mattermost where you can take advantage of what it can do beyond Slack, e.g. when you enter the URL you just manually set a flag to indicate it’s Mattermost.
Ok, I just noticed that in the response coming in there is a response_url. When it comes from slack, the URL has the word slack in it. So this is how I did it and it works